Rock Island Aromory 1911


New member
I have been looking for a 1911 and I found a guy that has one for sale for $400. I'm wanting you alls opinion whether or not this would be a good buy?

"GI" Style 1911
Comes with 4 8-Round magazines
Houge rubber grips
Hard Carrying Case

It appears to be in pretty good condition .

also what is your opinion of the the overall quallity of RIA?




New member
I have a GI widebody 1911A2, uses a 13 round mag and I love it, shoots as good as the big boys.
They have the best support team around. email the owner for any questions.
This is mine in .45
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New member
The Rock Island is made by Armscor in the Philippines. The Charles Daly EFS is also made by Armscor in the Philippines and appears basically identical to the Rock Island Tactical. They've recently been discontinued as CD is shifting to 1911s made in Israel by Bul Transmark. I'd recommend either brand in the "tactical" form over the standard GI flavor simply because of the sights.

Here's my CD EFS fitted with a Storm Lake 400 CorBon barrel, Greider Videki style short match trigger and curly makore grips:



New member
I'm going to PM you because I have one I'm thinking of getting rid of. Not to jack this though...

It's a pretty darn decent pistol. I've put close to 1000 rounds through mine, ball and JHP, and never had a misfire. The sights on the mil-spec suck pretty bad, but the rest of the pistol is spot on. It's a tad loose so you won't make one tattered half inch hole with 10 rounds at 10 yards, but it's every bit as accurate as most glocks. Also, that little bit of being a "tad loose" is one of the things that make it go BANG every time. Kimber made some fine 1911 pistols, some that could win matches, but reliability suffered some because of tight tolerances.

It's a good buy, and it's not just because I'm selling one. 400 is a reasonable price as well, but I'd offer him a little less if it's a FTF transaction, depending on how good the condition is.


New member
It's a good price, and I can vouch for the quality. Have 2 RIA Tacticals that I don't hesitate to carry. Both run great.


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It seems like nobody like the sights. I have been readin g on other websites for info also and am reading the same thing on many of them. is it possible or difficult to replace the sights with some thing adjustable?


New member
Sights are pretty easy if you know how & have the right tools...Brownells has good stuff. If you like the hammer, trigger and everything else...a good smith won't charge a arm and a leg to swap out the sights.


New member
You'll either have to get the front sight staked in with a special tool... or have a dovetail milled in. The rear won't be much trouble with a sight pusher.

And, I like the GI sights. I like them for the nostalgia and I'm getting the hang of the point-shooting thing down pretty well.


New member
might be a little high for the gI as sarcoinc sells them new for around 320 or so.
The tacticals run around 390.