rock island 1911!!!!!!


New member
Ok people I need some help,I am a student of the gun and i want a 1911.
I am thinking of a rock island and going with full customization,a little at a time to start,of coarse.I dont have the funds for a para nor do i think I am up to the challenge of building the pistol from parts.any good/bad exp. with rock island or other suggestions would be appreciated. thanks...:cool:


New member
I had a Rock Island base GI - hammer bite was an issue, the mag catch walked and the firing pin return spring needed replacement (I evidently got one of the CA legal ones that use the spring to pass the drop test).

That said, it was made of metal and, if tinkering is what you want, I'd go for it. A Chip McCormick mag catch and Wolff springs made mine servicable.

You could continue with grip safety, trigger, sear, disconnector and safety replacement, get a Power jig, beavertail filing jig and new MSH.

Check out Roderus for some good advice on avoiding "gotchas" and above all, stay safe.

Have fun.


New member
In the past Ive recomened it, but now after trijicon nite sights, pearce rubber frontstrap ,polished ramp, full length guide rod, 4 wilson combat mags and a wilson combat drop in beavertail safety I cant get the gun to go more than 2 mags without a ftf and the newest problem every other mag the catch wont stay open after the last round, Its not limp wristing because its the same when others shoot it also. After 1,000 rounds I thought it would work out but im going to sell it


New member
i would wait for the taurus to come out and see if it has reliability issues. just my opinion.

or get a credit card and get the para :D


New member
JART- I did what your planing on doing. I bought a Mid-sized RIA and did some work on it. OK, actually a gunsmith buddy of mine did most of the work, but you get the point! I replaced the springs, hammer (bite was a problem), grips, mainspring housing, and sights. I'm very happy with the results! Have Fun!



New member
Actually, I sold the RIA but it struck me as a viable option for learning a little kitchen table 'smithing.

I did get a little carried away with a Dan Wesson I found in the used section - Nowlin FCG. Came out pretty good... except... a dremel kiss on the beavertail left while deepening the channel for the new hammer.



I've looked at three this week. Two full size 1911 copies with the small military sights, and a compact with the Novak type sights dovetailed into the slide. All three were $295-299. I guess it is a subjective thing, but the "feel" of the RI compared to Kimber, SA, Colt in the case next to it made the RI seem less than second rate. I've read they can be reliable, but there is just something about them, and I really wanted to like them enough to buy one.

I can't explain it except to say, to me, it doesn't feel like a quality gun.