Road trip to Florida, want to take my rifle..and be compliant.


New member
Hello - It has been a while since I've been here. I am taking my family on vacation to Florida. We live in Indiana and we are driving. My wife has a CCW and a handgun but I do not, so I would like to take a rifle with me. After reading various sites on firearm laws, it appears to me that laws regarding long arms are a bit less strict/confusing. So my question is simple: if I keep a rifle in a hard case, locked and ammo in a separate box also locked...and all of it in the trunk...will this be compliant with the law?

I normally would not ask this but this trip comes with bad timing as I hear rumors and read some things about impending mass protests and disruptions across the nation on the very weekend we are traveling and this has me worried. We planned this for too long and it is too late to cancel everything without incurring financial losses.
if I keep a rifle in a hard case, locked and ammo in a separate box also locked...and all of it in the trunk...will this be compliant with the law?
You're fine under federal law. I assume you're going 65-24-75, which will take you through Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia. None of those states have laws problematic to the transport of firearms.

I hear rumors and read some things about impending mass protests and disruptions across the nation on the very weekend we are traveling
Most likely, any large demonstrations will be taking place in the northeast and west coast. I really don't see any of the states through which you'll be passing presenting such concerns.


New member
If you have a handgun and want to bring it, bring it. Florida does not require you to have a CCW just to bring your gun to the state (to carry concealed is a different matter), so if the goal is to bring it and go to a range, you're fine.

And try to go around Atlanta - the traffic just plain sucks...........besides, there are some great minor highways with much better scenery (unless time is a serious consideration)


New member
I don't think either you with your rifle or your wife with her handgun and Indiana resident permit will have any problems in any of the states mentioned. And if you can, swing through my state. We would welcome your guns and your company. :)
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