RKBA on the radio

Dave R

New member
Seems to me that many of the conservative talk show hosts have been mentioning the 2nd amendment and RKBA in the past week.

Just a few minutes ago I heard Glenn Beck warn that Giuliani and Bloomberg did not believe in the right to bear arms. He said he used to think "from my cold dead hands" was extreme. Now he figures its likely (in the future.) And he's "one of them." He says they'll take his gun from his cold dead hands.

Sean Hannity has mentioned RKBA recently, as an election year issue.

And Michael Savage has also discussed it as a core conservative issue.

I'm pleased. Surprised.

I don't recall anything from Rush or Laura Ingraham, but I don't get to listen to them as often.


New member
Oh, absolutely.

Glenn went a step farther today though.

"So if they did order 'turn them all in'.... yes or no, Civil War?" he asks.

Several people call in. One man, two women.

"Absolutely!" they say.

um.. guess we're more mainstream than I thought. :eek: