

New member
Let's say, as was suggested in another thread, that I went out and purchased a genuine Class 3 M-16, then sued to recoup my lost transfer tax on Second Ammendment grounds. Or better, have someone from a "no class 3 weapons" state do it. Would it ever reach the Supreme Court? Would the NRA help with the legal fees involved? Just wondering what you folks thought...

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
The NRA would not help, IMO. They are too entrenched in their position that the best reason not to ban "assault weapons" is that they're semi-automatic. They tacitly accept the premise that if they were full-auto, it would be reasonable to ban them.

I'm not saying it shouldn't be done, just to plan to do it without the NRA acknowledging that you exist.


New member
Another reason not to do it is that 99% of the public doesn't know it's legal to own Class III's, or they have full auto's confused with those awful semi-auto assault weapons. Whenever I get somebody "set straight" about the difference between the two, I stop. Doing otherwise would only invite the question as to why we don't ban full-auto's.
