RKBA! Car window stickers, please post your interest


New member
Several months ago there was a movement to highten the awareness of the general public about the RKBA issue.

One of the ideas was to place "RKBA!" stickers in very visible places.

I have had made for myself the "RKBA!" logo in the heavy duty adhesive vinyl and placed it on the rear window of my truck. Several people have asked me what RKBA! means, which has lead to some good discussions.

It's been a good passive way to advertise our right to keep and bear arms, as well as the other rights that are being crushed.

I have a customer of mine who will make these stickers in whatever number and in whatever solid color you want.

These are two inch high letters that cover about 8 inches in length.

R K B A !

Price is $5.00 each. Name your color(s) from the standard prime colors. S&H is included.

Please post your interest and number and I will, at the first of next week, tell you where to send the check or M.O.

"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!


Will take two.

Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
I'm old and deceitful.


New member
Please remember to post the color you want!

Default color if not posted otherwise will be white.


"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!


New member
This may be a good way to express my opinion on the 2nd. I have always been told never to put a NRA sticker on your vehicle as this is an invite to the criminal element to break in and look for firearms. Though I keep my pistol on me, I have no desire to see my windows broken. However, I doubt very many BGs have a clue what RKBA means. I'll take one please, white would be XLnt.


Moderator Emeritus
Two...red print on white, please

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
Better nip this in the bud!

These stickers don't have a background color.

If I had a digital camera I would post mine for you to see.

They are like the "Bad Boy Club" stickers you see, or "Ski Natique", or Calvin pissing on the Ford or Chevy symbol.

Sorry if I was not very clear on what color options are available.

Just one color. Take your pick. :D


"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited July 18, 2000).]


New member
I'd like to see someone come out with one that says,
Right To Keep and Bear Arms=Right to Self Defense=Right to Life=Moral Obligation

More simply put, RKBA is a Moral Obligation

For the life of me, I still can't figure out how the anti's think we're going to become "more civilized" by not defending ourselves against the savages. To my way of thinking, that just leaves a world of swaggering savages and cowering sheep.

Shoot straight & make big holes, regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Hey, that gives me an idea--could I get Calvin peeing on an HCI seal? Maybe another on VPC?

Just kidding. These would be fun for home but don't worry, I'm not suggesting I lower the public's opinion of me any further.


New member
2 in white.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
NRA lifer


New member
2 in white.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
NRA lifer


New member
is the blue dark (like a royal blue)? if so, one in blue and one in red. If the blue is not very dark, purple please.


NRA Millenium Life Member