RKBA Billboard in Metro Las Vegas?

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!!!!

Okay all.

After seeing the thread on the RKBA slogan "The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security", I had an idea.

I can get a billboard in Metro Las Vegas for about $5500 for six months. $2500 for production and installation, and $500/mo. to keep it there.

We could put that message on the board, with a flag background or something...Need help from all you graphics geniuses.

Anybody interested in chipping in? I'll coordinate and kick in what I can. For you LV members, it is at Sahara and Maryland, about 300 yds east of Maryland. It currrently has an ad for a car loan service on it.

If interested, somebody figure out how to deal with the money in a way that you feel safe (I know I'm trustworthy, but don't expect you all to believe me).:D

Let's put our money where our mouths are!!!!!


*edited 'cause nobody's paying attention*
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New member
I'd kick in on it. Vegas is ideal because you are essentially getting a national and even international audience.


New member
sorry but I don't have very much money. at all. :(

i know of someone from LV on the boards....but I haven't seen him 'round in quite a while......
Thanks Oleg.

At this point it's looking pretty dismal, though. I can afford to throw a few hundred at it, but I can't fund the whole thing (unless I want a divorce:D ).

I'm not getting the response I was hoping for here......


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Don't despair: the reason why few folks have $$ tospare is that many have maxed on on GOA/NRA/JPFO/COA contributions or bought guns+training for themselves & friends. That they don't help with one project doesn't mean that they aren't doing something.


New member

I'll send you a few $'s if you can prove to me they will be spent on the billboard, and on one that actually does help RKBA. How do i know you're not going to put up an anti-gun message?

For example, if you and Oleg come up with something, get a quote and a copy of the down payment receipt for the billboard rental and post it here, i'll send you a check to your P.O.Box that day. I'd be open to some other form of proof if you have an idea.

Love to help, but don't want to be taken for a ride.



New member
I seem to recall some studies that show that a billboard doesn't have that much influence on people. I could be wrong, but I think we have a member (was it Jody Hudson?) that has used billboards for marketing purposes before and commented on their very poor effectiveness. Before I chipped in any money I would like to see something that shows how affective a billboard can be.

*not trying to throw cold water on your idea*


New member
Doesn't one of those casinos out there have a firearms museum -- or is that in reno?

Remember the "Guns save lives" board where they suggested that we place signs along thouroughfares that are like the old Burma Shave signs? Maybe your limited funds would be better spent on stiff cardboard. furring strips/grape stakes, and paint. Then you could place a series of these signs at equal distances along the highway that deliver a message in pieces that will have an impact on the driving public. The signs would be better placed out on the highway where bored drivers will take some pleasure reading and anticipating them -- as will their kids.


New member
Sounds like a good idea and lends itself to other (like jimpeels) similar efforts.

Wish I personally could help financially but I have been unemployed since april of last year and 5 kids come first.
If it looks like I can get enough commitments, I'll figure out how to make the money safe, maybe verifiable escrow account or something. I can't afford to front the money, but I'm sure we can figure out something.



New member
I will certainly pitch something in.

Out here in Pahrump we have a full size billboard on Hwy 160 (the road leading from Pahrump to Las Vegas) advertising FRONT SIGHT. So the idea isn't far fetched at all.

Why that location ? I have to assume that the cost of a billboard goes up according to it's location. It would be nice to put it up at like I-15 and Trop or I-15 and Russell so all the sheeple from the workers paradise down south could see it as they drive in to town.


New member
First, work out a detailed plan to pull it off. Gather the options & prices, pump Oleg for an image, set up a PayPal-type donation scheme, set up a web page to advertise it (I can provide that), figure out how to get the word out, writing a press release, etc. - all costs practically nothing yet is vital to convincing people you're serious about it. Asking for money first won't work. Having all the details worked out and the backing of some respected TFLers, THEN asking for money, will.

I've considered doing something similar, using billboards or theater slides to promote Cooper's Four Rules (on the premise that if people know the rules they'll gradually become less fearful and more safe).

Excellent suggestions.

Oleg, you on board? What I had in mind was a very simple graphic
of a waving flag-size of whole image- with bold lettering "The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security".

Let's start there, and work on the rest of it.

ctdonath; PM me or email at ssnarb@hotmail.com and we'll discuss details on the website!


Kirk Keller

New member

I think I can scrounge up $50.00 or so for the cause after all. My newest goodies left me with some spare cash and this is starting to gain some steam. Count me in.