RIP Bogie's Bunker


New member
This weekend, I'm taking apart the home theater...

I'm not sure quite how Jen will accept my framed "The Killer" poster. I'm also guessing the Blackhawk Down poster likely won't be living room material.

In fact, shoe-horning in all the speakers is going to be interesting.

Going to do an outdoor showing of the new Indy Jones movie in her back yard this next Friday.

What am I going to do with the artillery shell brass lamps? With the 3' high pineapple grenade?

I'm guessing my framed collection of WWII magazine ads are also going to languish...

And she still doesn't realize the sheer quantity of powder that is going to be transferred from dwelling to dwelling... She moderately freaked about two jugs... "Ohmigawd - is my house going to blow up?"

Maybe I shouldn't explain about the sleeves of primers...