Right To Carry Road Show, 8/26/07


New member

Dear TFL Patriots,

The NJCSD is thrilled to announce the next in its continuing series of Right To Carry Road Shows (sm) on Sunday August 26th at Falls Township Rifle and Pistol Association in Fairless Hills, PA.

The RTCRS is a "mobile CCW processing center" where law-abiding gun owners can apply for a FL CCW in just about one hour. In an assembly-line fashion, we supply all the necessary services in one place, at one time. No more running around. No more intrusive questions. No more confusing procedures.

We assist you in completing the application form, provide passport photos, fingerprinting service, notarization, and even ship the application to Florida for you, all for just $25 to cover our expenses!

This program is designed to make a statement about our rights and eventually send a message to the idiotic anti-gun legislators in Trenton that we're tired of being walked all over, and we're not gonna take it anymore!

For more information or to RESERVE A SEAT for the RTCRS (reservations are required), please go to the NJCSD website, or contact me via PM or Email.

If you are a MEMBER of the NJCSD, you receive a discount on the processing fee. For more information about who we are, and what we do, and how to become a member visit our website. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have about the NJCSD or the RTCRS here.

Not a New Jersey resident? Don't let that stop you! Remember, what happens to us here, hurts you out there.

Yours in Liberty,
The NJCSD Management Team


Defending Your Right to Defend Yourself


New member
I've been curious for a while, not living near NJ but hearing about them often here and elsewhere. Does nobody but anti-gun, anti-hunting people run for office up there, or is it all in the machinery?


New member
A few years ago, we had a candidate run for governor who was pro gun--Brett Schundler. I honestly thought he had a good chance of winning, since he had served two terms as mayor of Jersey City, which hadn't had a republican mayor since before the first world war.

Unfortunately, he lost to Jim McGreevey, who resigned midterm because he was too gay to be governor. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that his first nominee for Superintendant of NJ State Police had direct mob ties, or that he appointed a Homeland Security advisor who had no related background, or even US citizenship, or that he cut the state budget to public schools, only to pour more money into the smart gun project at NJ Institute of Technology.

Of course, NJ will never learn. Corzine got elected at the next term. And he shut down the government because he and the legislature couldn't agree. He also doesn't consider it a conflict of interest that his ex girlfriend is the president of the state workers' union.


New member
Guys, let's not turn this into a "bash New Jersey" thread.

Although I agree with you entirely, our organization recognizes that the politics here won't change, until we change hearts and minds first. The RTCRS is just one step along that path. We need help PROMOTING this event, not distracting from our message by bashing the state's politics.

What I wish you would keep in mind is that what happens to us here hurts you out there.

States like NJ, CA, MA and others are in the vanguard of gun control. New Jersey's AWB during the Florio administration was in part the basis for the '94 Clinton AWB. We already have the SmartGun law, right now we're dealing with a one-gun-a-month law, and there's an ammunition ban in the works as well.

In the adjoining state, Mayor Bloom(ingidiot)berg is right next door to us, banging the drum getting his counterparts in smaller cities across the country to follow suit, and every state in the nation has an inner city urbanized area that will be at risk. And the predictable pattern is that gun control spills from inner cities to rural areas.

Don't think that if these happen here that it won't come to you. As strongly pro-gun as any state might be, there are always anti-gun zealots in politics, and "It's for the children!" is a rallying cry that no politician can easily turn away from. Even our neighbors in Pennsylvania who thought their freedom was safe are now dealing with "Fast Eddie" Rendell, who's no friend to gun rights.

Gun Control is a disease, and like cancer, must be treated at its source. Other gun rights organizations believe that the way to address gun control is to shore up the areas where gun rights are strong. We believe that philosophy is a mistake. This needs to be fought and addressed where it is, before the cancer infects other areas of the body.

Please help yourself by helping us. It's only a matter of time before New Jersey becomes the first state to effectively ban guns entirely, and it would be a mistake for you to think that other states - including the one where you live - won't think it's "cool" to follow suit.
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