Rifles For Veteran Groups

Double J

New member
Years ago the U.S. Government made available the old M1 Garand and Springfield bolt rifles to various vet groups such as the VFW and American Legion for little or no cost. These are the guns used in parades and funeral ceremonies. Some of these were worn out 60 years ago, but with lots of TLC they have continued to be used up til now.
I've pieced together many of the guns for the local VFW Post. About twice a year I clean and repair them. Each year parts are harder to find and more expensive.
Are there any sources in the Government where replacement rifles can be found?
Failing that, would military style shotguns be appropriate to use for funeral salutes?
Any info would be appreciated.
Thanks, Double J


New member
I am a life member of both the VFW and American Legion. In the American Legion Officer Guide there is a source to contact for equipment and blank ammo. As the Post Commander, I requested on Post stationary for various items. As a member of the VFW you probably qualify for the Legion. If you have any problems along this line please contact me through this forum.

For God and Country,



New member
I am a member of the VFW, in Michigan can you give the address of the place to get the material needed stated above. you pm me please.


New member
My M1 was supposedly a leftover from a VFW that was closed or something. Only problem was a little weld on the receiver barrel connection. A gunsmith removed that and refinished the whole gun. Fine functioning rifle now, if not target grade. I would have thought that firing blanks or neglect would have ruined the barrel, or they might have been issued shot out guns, but this one guages fairly good.