Rifles Chambered In 8mm Mauser?


New member
I have an 8mm Mauser (you can obviously tell by my username :D) and I love the round, and I'm wondering if you guys could help me put a list together of the rifles that it is chambered in, semi auto, bolt action, etc. The action doesn't matter. Thanks!!


New member
I hope to make a classic Mauser full-stock 8mm rifle for hunting the forests but it seems I never get time to make guns for myself.
I have the action trued and the barrel installed, the safety installed, and the bolt handle made and installed, and I have the piece of wood too but so far I have not put a chisel into it. It's been waiting now for 7 years.
I need to pay the bills.
When I am working on my own toys I don’t get paid.
I have 2 sporterized CZ rifles in 8 X 57... one with a scope, & one with a peep site... both barrels have very deep rifling, & look like they should shoot well, even though one has been re-blued over what looks like blood pitting on the outside of the barrel


New member
The Egyptian Hakim, FN49, and the Yugoslavian M76 are a few semi auto 8mm rifles. If I'm not mistaken the German G43 from WW2 was also in 8mm but it is also very exspensive compared to the others I mentioned.


New member
German, Polish, Czech, and Yugo Mausers. Egyptian Hakim and FN 49.
MG34, MG42, and MG42/53. G41 and G43. Most of the world's Mauser rifles.

The one I want to see on a list is the Ruger No. 1.


New member
Let us not forget the lovely and talented Carcano---an unknown number of these were barreled in 8x57 towards the end of WW2.
It's possible that photos of Volkssturm troops with Carcanos may show some of these, though I know only of Model 38 rifles so converted and not the M38 carbines featured in this photo---

