Rifle prices, wow

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chris in va

New member
My LGS got in a whole rack of various black rifles. They have a few (ACR?) 308's and holy cow...$3300?

Now that 'assault rifles' are off the radar in congress, are people really going to pay these absurd prices or will they go down to sub-$1000 levels for the average 5.56 versions? I just can't see anyone willing to pay an extra 50% for long.

Metal god

New member
Most of us will not pay that kind a coin but some will . The ACRs that I've seen before the panic were all 2k plus so $3300 is high but not OMG high . My LGS had milled AKs for $1600 this week and some M&P sports with Burris red dots mounted on them for 1k . I was a little surprised at those prices . This LGS is normally the best in town . When I think about it . Nobody else has any EBRs so I guess they are still the best prices in town :rolleyes:

Give it some time . we are starting to see them in stock and soon the prices will drop . There are still a few places like PSA that never really raised there prices . For that those places will almost exclusively get my business from this day forth . It's fuuny how some want the quick buck at the expence of there long term success . while others understand that they will make 10 times the money in the long run by being reasonable now cus we remember who charged what . I will never buy from CTD and do everything in my power never to visit there site .

Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
I think prices will go down, but the Newtown incident has sparked a whole new interest in the firearms industry. Even in California I've been waiting in line at the range.

An M&P sport will never be $600 again I'm afraid.
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