Rifle Magazines


New member
I just read that your not supposed to fully load them...why the hell not?..and i have an AK does this apply for them to?


New member
Well I've never heard of something like that. The closeest I've shot was an SKS and you could fill the mag up completely without a problem.


New member
One of the many theories behind not loading a magazine to capacity has to do with doing a combat reload whereby you remove a partially loaded mag and replace it with a fresh one. If there is a round in the chamber and obviously the bolt is forward, it requires a lot more pressure to seat the new magazine. Removing a couple of rounds helps it to lock in a little easier. "Easier" is of course a relative term depending on the gun used, shooter using it, training level, etc. Take your AK and try it both ways and see what you think. If it doesn't bother you, load them all the way.

Out of habit I load my M-4 mags with 28 rounds. I have done it sine I was a young PFC so it is more habit than anything else. My 20 rd M1 mags I load with 20 rounds because I don't want to give up the extra ammo.


New member
Supposedly 31 round AK mags work better with 30 loaded. Something to do with first round FTF problems I hear.
I don't think this applies across the board though.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Fullly loaded means maximum spring pressure on the ammo. Sometimes there is coil-bind in the spring. All in all, this can do either of the above-mentioned Bad Things: Failure to feed on the first round, or difficulty in a hasty reload.

I've only "messed" with mags for a 1911: My experience has been that maximum upward pressure on the ammo hasn't been necessary for reliable feeding. I've cut "zees" out of the mag spring, part of making an eight-round mag from a seven, and had no feeding troubles in numerous IPSC matches.

So, if I had a Jones for getting all 30 rounds in and also having reliable feeding, I'd at least try cutting a zee from the mag spring. But from just one mag, at first. :D
