Rifle for newbie longgunner


New member
Howdy all...I've been doing the handgun thing now for about 20 years, but I've recently been giving some thought to having a rifle to allow a bit more "reach out and touch" range. I've owned a few, mainly a Plainfield .30 cal carbine, which I really liked, but I know nothing, essentially, about rifles. Here are the criteria:

1. I'm left-handed with longarms.
2. Bolt, lever or semi would work, but bolt will have to be left-handed.
3. Prefer non-military pattern (I'm not casting aspersions here, guys/gals, but I live in California and I don't want to beg the question with the morons we have in the state legislature).
4. Prefer inexpensive, plentiful ammo. I'm thinking .223 or .308, but would consider other calibers as well. I don't reload and don't wish to do so.
5. Don't want a custom gun; prefer something off the shelf for $700 or less.
6. Primary use is a plinking gun with some utility as a SHTF weapon.

Questions, comments, recommendations, suggestions.

Bob Locke

New member
I'd be looking for something chambered for .308 because you can get milsurp ammo for "plinking" (though I have a hard time using that term with a .30 caliber weapon) and would have plenty of reach-out-and-touch capability. And if you ever decided that you needed or wanted to go hunting, you'd have plenty of gun for almost anything in North America.

I'd recommend a bolt-action. You can get solid LH offerings from Remington, Savage, or Ruger for under $700. If you want to get the rifle AND a scope for under $700, then you're probably limiting yourself to Savage.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Definitely go along with recommending the .223 or .308 if you're not gonna handload. Lots of cheap ammo available.

If you doubt you'll take up hunting, or would limit it to varmints, I'd go the .223. It would do for SHTF, and it's a lot more pleasant for long shooting sessions.

I have a 2X7 Leupold on my pet .243; it has always been plenty of magnification for me. I have a $99 Simmons 44Mag on my pet '06 which has survived four years of shooting and of travel in a 4X4 pickup on rough jeep trails. I have always used Weaver or Weaver-style mounts and rings for both weight and low cost--and no problems in 50 years.

Hope this helps,



New member
Savage makes Left handed rifles. they are very nice, and arent gonna cost you an arm and a leg. They have package rifles too with scope. $400+


New member
Thanks, guys...

I'm not really planning to go hunting with it, but I guess it might be used for that in an extreme situation. Mostly paper and SHTF, as I explained above. Based on your info, I'm leaning towards a Savage LH bolt rifle in .223, probably with a scope (If they make such a thing).

Guess I'd better cruise over there on their website and see what they got.

Thanks again for the help!!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
If you go with the Savage, I recommend finding a competent gunsmith to do a trigger job (around $35?) or spend about $70 for a Timney trigger.

