Rifle Dies

James R. Burke

New member
I have been reloading for along time, and I have never wore out a set of dies. I am sure this as already been asked but just wondering how long does it take to wear them out, or to the point where they would be better being replaced. I do keep all my stuff clean etc. but just curious. Thanks Jim.


New member
It will probably take a lifetime + to wear out a set. I have an old 22 Varmiter ( now the 22-250) die set I acquired more years ago than I like to remember. The dies are made and then hardened pretty darn hard, many won't scratch with a file. Short of abuse or running sand covered brass into them, I wouldn't worry at all about ever wearing a quality set out.


New member
Rifle dies

I have found out if you take care of your dies that they will more than likely out last you. I started reloading in the mid 60's. I still haven't worn a set of dies out yet. I think if you take care of them, it will turn out to be one of your better investment in your life time. Most of my handgun dies are Lyman. The rifle dies are RCBS. Good luck with yours :D

David Wile

New member
Hey folks,

I never "wore" out a set of dies, but I did scratch the sizing die in a 9MM Lyman die set a long time ago. In the early 1960s, I started reloading 9MM with a regular set of Lyman dies. Some years later, they started to market tungston carbide dies which did not require case lube prior to sizing. After using the new TC die in other calibers, I wondered what would happen if I sized a 9MM case without lube in my non-TC Lyman size die. I did it slowly and found it sized the case without sticking. I did a second case, then the third, and on and on till I had finished a box of 9MM.

I am sure I was working the 9MM brass more than usual, but everything worked well, and I continued to size my 9MM brass without lube for many years. Sometime in the early 1990s I was doing some 9MM when I found the brass started coming out of the sizing die with two deep scratches the length of the case. I checked the die and found burrs where the scratches were made. I have no idea what caused the burrs on the size die steel, but I can guess that some sort of hard dirt got between the case and the die.

Perhaps I could have polished the size die, but I had been using that die set for more than 35 years at that point, and I figured I could afford to buy a new set with a TC sizing die. Other than that one sizing die I scratched, I have not worn any others out as yet. I would guess that I have at least twenty die sets that I have been using for more than forty years.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile


New member
I have and stil use the original durachrome dies in 30-06 that came with my Pacific press in 1960. I keep my dies clean and lubricated, and the cases that go into them clean. I have not worn out any dies yet.