Rifle Condition?


New member
The CMP group has a long winded discussion on the possibility of some 86,000 M1's being returned to the US through the CMP from the Philippines. I'm not sure of any validity to that, but it does cause me some wonderment.

TFL-ers, have any of ya'll fellow Veteran types ever been stationed in the Philippines and had a chance to observe the general condition in which they maintain their weapons over there?

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Interesting. I don't know about the army, but the Philippine Constabulary carried M1 Carbines.

When I was there (high school junior) in 1949/50, you could buy a Garand out in the villages for a carton of cigarettes.

Drift: Accompanying my mother on a visit to the home of some wealthy Americans, as the front door of the house was closed I noticed a BAR on the floor adjacent to the wall near the door frame. Convenient, if the Hukbalahap got shirty.