Rifle carry in trunk/vehicle

If you were stopped in a DC road block, would you...

  • Tell the police and then let them look?

    Votes: 12 31.6%
  • Not tell them and let them look?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not tell them and demand a warrant?

    Votes: 25 65.8%
  • Shoot it out because they have no right to look?

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters


New member
Many off us carry a long gun in our vehicles. I carry a mini-14 in my trunk. I wonder how I would respond to the police if I were stopped at one of the road blocks like they are running in DC. How would you?


New member
I sure as heck wouldn't carry ANYTHING in .22 centerfire.

I think my little .357 carbine would be just fine.


New member
Yeah, I have been thinking about switching guns and putting my Mossberg 500 in the trunk before my trip to DC next month. Wh tempt fate?


New member
I keep a .357 lever action carbine in the back of my truck. It is 100% legal, and carried in a case. If the law were to stop me, I have no problem with that, as the first thing I do is hand them my CCW and tell them I'm carrying on my person anyway.

In DC, it may be different, as my beloved Arizona laws won't protect me there.

However, my little carbine is accurate to at least 100 yards, and if got the opportunity to pop a shot off at the "Beltway Murderer" (I refuse to give in the the media brainwash and call that ****bag a sniper), I wouldn't hesitate.


New member
I live in Maryland. I can't keep a rifle in the trunk. I have an NRA sticker in my rear window so I would certainly have my car searched if I was pulled over for anything (form what I hear from Howard County cops it is standard procedure to search NRA cars because they are more likely to be carrying guns). In MD it is illegal to carry any gun (including long guns) unless it is in a case, locked in the trunk, unloaded, the ammo is in the passenger compartment, and you are on your way to or from the range (stopping to get gas puts you in violation of the law). So I live in MD, if I carried a rifle in the trunk and was caught (a certainty if I was pulled over) I would go to jail.


New member

It's a good thing you have such strict laws in Maryland, or else you might have somebody driving around and shooting people at random.


New member
Why bother carrying a rifle in the trunk? By the time you can access said firearm you will either be dead or won't have a use for it.


Kaboom, Appalachian School of Law. It might not be the most ideal thing to do, and it won't help in a carjacking situation or if you're pinned inside the car, but it's not useless.


Given the current situation in Northern Virginia, I will not be carrying any other firearms in my car, Except my Sigs.


New member
Having lived in Denver you can not carry unless the gun and amo is locked diferent compartments.

BUT now that I am in rural colorado I just hang it on rear window gun rack, Mag in the console.

Joe Portale

New member
Darn everytime I read one of these posts, I thank God I live in a free State (Arizona). I run around with a rifle or handgun in the car or truck all the time. When I'm out off the roading it, I carry a SKS in the truck and a 1911 on my hip. I have been known to carry an AR in the truck of the car from time to time. And some times on the back seat. I voted to letthe cop know and let him look. In these parts you do not have to declair, but living, working and playing near the border, it is better to be safe than sorry. When I have been stopped for what ever all I do is say, "Officer, I have a firearm in the car (or on my person). PLEASE don't get jumpy. Tell me how you want to see it". Cops around here are okay with a citizen with a gun. They just don't like surprises.


New member
In N.C I am only required to notify them of a concealed weapon and the fact that I have a permit. If they asked about 'other guns in the vehicle', I would probably fess up. I was doing nothing illegal up to this point. Why start by providing false info the the police?


New member
Yep, I live in AZ too. Every time I'm tempted to complain about the weather, I think of the silly gun laws in other states.

I have a question for some of you in the more nazi-esque states. A couple of you state that the law requires you to have ammunition in one compartment of the vehicle, and the gun in another.

What do you do if you have a vehicle with no seperate compartments? Like a Jeep for instance?


New member
Well, here in Calif., the gun has to be in a case & locked if a handgun and trigger locked if a long gun. As long as ammo is "seperate" from locked (empty) weapons it's ok. I have a van, so this is something I checked out myself.


New member
I used to have a 1967 Ford F100 P/U truck where I would keep a Remmington 870 12ga shotgun and a Winchester M94 .30-30 in the gun rack. No problems driving around Seattle and this was the early to mid 1990's.


New member
Have considerd a rifle or shotgun in truck box.

Our driver's license are flagged when you have a resident CHL permit, so I have to fess up to that part. Now my non - resident FL license is not flagged on DL.

Resident restricts the usual places, churches, post office, banks...etc. I can't carry on campus, but can have on campus parking lot in vehicle. Non-res has resticts too. Arrgg what a pain, Vermot has the right idea.

Gotta research this...My gut reaction is in state carry and fess up to CCW as required by law. Truck box,or out of resident state...don't volunteer anything.

Like I said -have considered- research time...