Ridge for VP??? (Barf!)

Brett Bellmore

New member
If this ticket comes about, I not only won't vote for that S*B Bush, I'll actively oppose him! I ask myself, is he actually stupid enough to do this? I'm afraid the answer is "Yes!".

Tom Ridge tipped to be Cheney's successor

"From Roland Watson in Washington

TOM RIDGE, the man chosen by George Bush to co-ordinate Americas domestic anti-terrorism effort, is being tipped to become the Presidents running mate in the 2004 election.

Mr Ridge, 56, the Director of Homeland Security and a personal friend of Mr Bush, is seen as a leading contender to take over from Dick Cheney as Vice-President should Mr Bush win a second term.

Since giving up the governorship of Pennsylvania to take up his present role after September 11, Mr Ridge has had an uncomfortable time in Washington. But he is a decorated Vietnam veteran and pro-choice centrist who is well regarded by politicians of all stripes, and some of Mr Bush’s closest advisers think that he would freshen the Republican ticket."

Sure he would; If Bush were to run as a Democrat!


New member
Your're right Brett. Better to have a gun loving DemocRAT like ALGORE or Joe LIEberman in the White House.

Christopher II

New member
I'd much rather see Gore in the VP slot than Ridge.
Bush and the republicans are still our best buds and the Last Hope For Freedom, right? :rolleyes:

- Chris


New member
I’ve said it before and I am sure I will say it again, Cheney is not going anywhere. Just wait and see.

(So ends my career as a teller of the future)


New member
The discussion of Cheney stepping aside for Bush's second term is similar to the discussion heard about Quail stepping aside for Bush's second term.

Apart from health issues, I don't see Cheney stepping asside. I personally don't see the attractiveness of Ridge.

Cheney strikes me as a real guy, a true power player, someone who knows how to manipulate the levers of power.

Ridge strikes me as a Perfumed Prince, all hat and no cattle, someone with lots of image and not alot of substance. Never mind the fact that his policies and attitudes are questionable. I am inherently suspicious of anyone promoted by media because they are promoted by media.


New member
If Cheney was to step down, W could do himself a big favor by forgetting Ridge and putting pro-gun Condy Rice on the ticket. Gun owners would be happy, as would some minorities and some women. Barring a major blunder or scandal in the next two years, that would be a tough ticket for the Dems to beat.


Ed Brunner

New member
I would be surprised to see very many Republicans from Pennsylvania supporting Ridge for much of anything. The word "centrist" says it all.

Brett Bellmore

New member
Chris, I understand what you're saying. BUT, most pro-gun Republicans are NOT, in so far as I can tell, pro-gun because of personal conviction. (If they were, there'd be less compromising and deal cutting.) They're pro-gun only because they have to be pro-gun to win elections. Certainly, this is absolutely an accurate description of Bush! If we permit too many Republicans to win elections despite being anti-gun, you'll see a massive defection of Republicans to the cause of gun control, and it will be all over except for the shooting. Literally.

It's sad, but if you're too loyal to the Republicans, their automatic reflex is to take your vote for granted, and shaft you in the hope of getting your enemy's vote, too. The only people who get treated well by the Republicans are the people who would jump ship if crossed, even if it means a worse Democrat being elected.


I would replace Powell with Condi Rice and groom her for the VP she seems to have more balls than most of the men do. This only if Cheney were to bow out for reasons of health.

Rudi G has been mentioned...bit of a showman though and he made 8 million since 9-11 giving speeches and what not, as Powell made like 25 mill since Desert Storm - love that lecture circuit and ghostwritten books!

Christopher II

New member
Brett -

I think you took me seriously when I was being sarcastic, and percieved sarcasm when I was being serious. First time that has happened!

I was almost serious when I said I'd rather see Gore in the top slot than Bush. Gore is too stupid and too controversial to get anything like the PATRIOT Act passed. Yeah, he's anti-gun, so what? Bush certainly has been no great shakes in that regard.

I was being sarcastic with that comment about republicans being our bestest buddies. They ain't, and anyone with a lick of sense knows that.

However, what you say is the honest truth. I fully expect the GOP to toss out the pro-gun platform inside five years, they've been taking too much heat from it. Who to vote for then, eh?

- Chris


New member
I suggested Condi for VP sometime ago. There were folks who weren't happy with her because she belongs to the CFR.

All I can say is - you wait for your perfect candidate...
