riddle me this


New member
oh, well i have been posting on gun forums 3 years.......... just heard of you a few days back...... i feel rejected, lost, losery.

am i that unwelcome? and man, i dont really see anyone i know...... i feel rattled in my cage...

just kidding around. this site is great that is why i ask. i thought it sprang up over night.


Ok, who let the cat out of the bag?

I thought we all agreed not to tell western332 about TFL?:eek: Which one of you ratted?:D
Welcome aboard Western so sorry it took so long for you to find us. If you have a question go to the search engine first, this board has covered a lot of great stuff in the last few years!

Jim V

New member
Now, since 99.99% of all the threads are still here (I think), set your preferences for the number of days threads are shown to "The Start" and check back in with us when you get done reading.


New member
oh, well i have been posting on gun forums 3 years.......... just heard of you a few days back...... i feel rejected, lost, losery.

Don't you just hate it when that happens?

Welcome aboard. I've only been here since this past fall, but somehow I've already become a "Senior Member." :) This is a great place and a great bunch of people.

Long Path

New member
JimV-- Actually, it's probably closer to 99.99998% of the threads are still here. And one or two of those that aren't got lost in the shuff.

western332: Welcome to TFL! Please contribute what you can-- all add to the knowledge.