Richmond VA Pistol Ranges


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Howdy all, I just recently moved to Richmond from NC and, while I'm liking the area and people better, it seems to be limited on shooting facilities. I stopped by Dominion Shooting Range earlier, but then left when they told me I couldn't use my own ammo and would have to buy theirs. Odd, considering they sell everything you need for reloading including once fired brass. Does anybody know of anywhere else in the area I could go to shoot that won't make me purchase their overpriced ammo? The claim is "safety concerns," though I doubt the Winchester ammo they get is any different than the Winchester ammo you can buy anywhere else. Please help!

Old Arn

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Welcome to VA! After checking the site Glock_19 posted, visit for some range reviews. BTW, were you planning to shoot your own guns or rent theirs? As far as I know, it's standard practice for ranges to require all rental guns to be shot with ammo purchased at the same time of the rental since anybody can just walk in with reloads thrown into an old factory box.


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I had my own 9mm, .45, and .357. They were my CZ75B, Dan Wesson Pointman 7, and S&W 19-4. That alone was enough to push me over the limit. I wasn't about to spend $60 on 50 round for each of my guns. They require ALL ammo used be purchased from them. I WANTED TO TEST MY RANGER SXT'S IN MY 9mm FOR HOME DEFENSE! But I think I'm gonna check out another one on that website. I used to live in the Hampton Roads area when I was stationed in Portsmouth and Norfolk. I can honestly say I like Richmond better. Even though I'm in a "lower cost" apartment ($800/month price range) my neighbors all are hard working nice people. And rent's $100 LESS per month than at my place near Camp Lejeune... Bleh. Wish me luck in my search for a decent range!


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Welcome to the Ric. As far as ranges go dominion is the only one i have personally been to. There is another one in petersburg i think but thats kind of a hike and i think they make u use their ammo as well. There are ranges on a couple of the wildlife management areas like Amelia and i have shot pistols there before. Good luck with your search and please post anything you find out.


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Dominion must have changed their policy. They used to let you shoot for free if you used their ammo, but if you bought your own ammo, you had to pay for range time.

The only other ranges I know of in the area are private ones. Black Creek Shooters Association comes to mind. I understand the annual dues are reasonable. Might be worth checking out. I grew up near there, but have never shot at the range.

There is an indoor range near me, but that's quite a haul for you from the Richmond area.


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I don't live in VA, but I have shot in matches there. There's an organization known as the Virginia Pistol League that's based in Richmond. They have access to an excellent indoor range at the Richmond Police Academy. But I think that you need a membership w/ the league. It's not a public range, to my knowledge. is the local rep for the VPL, and would probably be a good person to contact for info on other ranges as well.


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I think Friday I'm gonna try and check out Black Creek. I'd have no problem signing up for a range, especially if the annual fees were reasonable. I still have a free membership with the range back in NH because I was active duty military... I'm still baffled about the ammo, especially considering THEY SELL THE BRASS YOU SHOOT!


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Might be worth a phone call back to clarify the rules. Maybe a mistake was made???

My range is an hour north from you in Fredericksburg. They allow your own ammo, but require you shoot their ammo IF you rent one of their guns.


New member
I think Friday I'm gonna try and check out Black Creek.

I think you may be disappointed...I don't hear much good about Black Creek...

I also agree about Dominion - it blows, and always has...

Try the Marksman in Newport News for handguns and .22 rifles. Reasonable, and you can use your own ammo. Not too far from Richmond - 60 minute drive.

I am a member, and go there whenever the weather is too bad at my private outdoor range...Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club...

Of course, the best range is the NRA Range in Fairfax, but that's a 2 hour trip - each way...
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Straight Shooter, in Colonial Heights ( 526-5259 ). They let you use your own ammo, but they charge a higher range fee if you do.

Black Creek is nice, I think the membership is $100, but they might be full this time of the year, it's best to join the first of the year before the membership fills up. Call first because there is a safety class you must attend before you can join and they only do that at certain times.

The best is Cavalier, but it is the most expensive, and hardest to get in.

You can not shoot a handgun at the shooting range at the Amelia Wildlife Area, only long guns.


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I have no problem paying more if I use my own ammo, that's how Shooter's Choice in Jacksonville did it. I was so ****** off with Dominion, probably uttered some stuff that I shouldn't have while I stormed out, but whatever. Crappy business leads to crappy attitudes.


New member
Of course, the best range is the NRA Range in Fairfax, but that's a 2 hour trip - each way...

What's the deal with that place? I've passed it many times and I'm about to move to Arlington. I'm just wondering what I need to do to shoot there.

EDIT: NVM I just Googled it. However, $300 annual fee is a little steep. I'd still like to find a nice skeet range around NOVA though.


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Does anyone know if Straight Shooter, in Colonial Heights ( 804-526-5259 ), is still in business. I have tried the phone number and it is disconnected. I also tried their web site ( and it is gone as well. I was hoping they were open since you can use your own ammo, but it appears they folded up shop.

Any update would be appreciated, or any info on a range where you can use your own ammo.

Semper Fi!



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This is going back to before 9/11/01, so I don't know if its still availiable to the public now, but one of the best places to shoot anywhere around Richmond used to be the public outdoor firing range that was located on, or maybe it was just off, the grounds of Ft. Lee, between Colonial Heights and Hopewell. Its probably 15-20 miles from Richmond. You could fire pistols, rifles, or shotguns there. I taught my kids to shoot on that range. I don't think anyone ever asked what I was shooting.

That range was only open to the public at certain times of the week, and it was tough to find. I haven't lived in that area for over ten years now, and I can't remember the directions well enough to be sure I can get you to it - but maybe somebody on the forum can, if its still operating.

The general direction you'd take from Richmond to get there would to be to go south on I-95 a few miles past the Chester exits and then in the Colonial Heights vicinity, take the first exit to Southpark Mall (can't remember the name of that road; maybe it was Temple?), then travel east on that road passing Southpark mall on your right and a shopping center across from the mall on your left. A half mile to a mile past Southpark mall, it seems like I passed over a little creek and then turned left at the next light. From there, my memory is a little hazy. I think I took that road to where it ended in a T-intersection with another paved road, and then right across the intersection from where I stopped there was a metal gate and a dirt road that looked like it was part of Ft. Lee. That gate was open whenever the public range was open, but the first time I went there I remember worrying that I might be arrested for trespassing onto the base with a weapon. But the public range was down at the end of that dirt road. Whether it was actually on the base or not, or just off it, I don't know, but you passed an Army firing range on that dirt road before you got to the public range.

Some police officers from the Colonial Heights PD and Petersburg PD, and probably Hopewell PD used to shoot at that public range, so maybe you could contact one of those Departments to learn if its still open and can get better directions. I don't guarantee mine to do anything but get you to the general vicinity.


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The Fort Lee Privately Owned Weapons/POW range is open Sundays from 10 to 4. I thought they were open Wednesday evenings too.

Dominion changed their policy at least 10 years ago. The owner showed me the mag that blew out of the bottom of the autoloader and tore the guy's hand up. They could have fought a lawsuit and maybe won, but it probably would have cost more than the $17k in medical bills. That's what I was told in 2000.

"...I don't hear much good about Black Creek..."

Did I offend somebody there? :D :D :D I try to be nice.

What's not to like? K.C. has 15 yard, 25, 50 and 100 yard ranges and it isn't crowded. Bring your own targets and ammo. He has staple guns, but I take my own. Wanna know the secret? Be nice to his dog.


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I shoot at Dominion quite often and don't have a problem buying their ammo, its no more expensive than buying from a sporting goods store. The problem I do have down there, is their bullet traps keep spiting back jackets. I have been hit by my own jackets or the jackets of the people shooting next to me several times. The last one sliced my upper left arm pretty good.



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Ft Lee private range. PM me if you ever want to go. I will be moving soon.
Although they have a pistol range
They are going to open up for a rifle range.