Rguns thread on FALFiles (FNFAL.COM)


Evidently, a guy ordered a case of .223 ammo from Rguns, and returned it because it was not as advertised. They charged him a 20% restock fee, and sent him a nasty note. They also claimed to have notified his local PD since they felt it was in the interest of 'public safety'. Then they came on the board and posted his home address and phone number. It's under the general discussion thread under 'don't deal with these guys'.


I had trouble witha company that advertises in SGN.I emailed shotgun news.They emailed the company and me back.I think there policy is that if a company gets too many complaints they are dropped from SGN.MAC-V has no email address listed so I can't email him personaly so if someone can contact him tell him that.Will all that R guns did maybe can get him out with this complaint.

Another one to add to the list.

Normally I have to buy from them first before I learn that they are a problem.

I'm glad it wasn't me this time. :)


New member

I think they were the guys that had the Colt pocket nine for a decent price. Oh well, I guess I will spend my money elsewhere.

They might want to talk to S&W about pissing off gun owners.

[Edited by mrat on 02-11-2001 at 08:32 PM]


New member

If they did post his name/number/address. They violated a federal privacy law.(from what I recall) Sue them for every penny they will ever have, and have them locked up.

Dean Speir

New member
Can R.Guns Be THAT Horrendous?

Having just waded through more than 160 positively frothing FNFAL posts about R.Guns, as well as two perfectly hideous responses purportedly from R.Guns, I am incredulous…

• That anyone that illiterate and actually representing a commercial enterprise would be allowed loose with a modem and Internet access.

• That a Moderator or Forum Administrator would leave the original (MAC-V) poster's personal information as posted by an unauthorized Member (R.Guns) for all to view.

I also wonder why, since the IPs are all logged, if anyone has bothered to verify that those posts actually originate with R.Guns.

I mean, there's a lynch mob over there, many of whom don't have the faintest notion of what they are talking about. But the way things are going, there'll be a mob marching on R.Guns tomorrow with pitchforks and burning faggots.

Of course, if half of what appears to have happened to MAC-V can be authenticated, then an empty lot should be build where R.Guns now stands.



If it's a hoax, it's pretty involved. The scanned note could be faked, but several people on more than one forum claim to have emailed the company about the whole deal and received more or less confirmation of the situation as posted by Mac-V, the original poster.

I guess if you don't mind them having your email address you could verify it pretty quickly.


It appears that the FAL site has deleted the thread. Here's a similar thread on the same topic from another forum.



New member
What gets me is the administrator left the personal info up for so long, and after repeated requests to take it down. It was still there 10 minutes ago. unbelieveable.


New member
One of the members of board I help moderate E-mailed these folks. She received a nasty reply, written in the same style as the two Rguns posts. This looks authentic, and with the way it's spreading through the community, pretty much the end of Rguns.

Dan at VOW

New member
Name and Address left in thread

The admin for the FAl files was on the road at the time of the posting, and the monitors on the board either were unable or didn't have the know how to eliminate the personal info with out deleting the entire thread, or at least that message. I agree that it shouldn't have remained up there, or should have been copy/cut/pasted w/o personal info.
This has spread to almost every gun and RKBA board and discussion forum on the web. Jen, the admin at the FAL Forum has been working very hard recently to try and upgrade our server, as well as dealing with personal tragedies (she lost her father) and was out of state, dealing with her fathers estate when this was posted. Dan at VOW.

Ron L

New member
Tried the link and the thread was currently unavailable. Tried a search and turned up nothing. Could be that their notice about the server having some problem could have been the cause, but I hope that the personal info on the thread is being edited.

There's another thread by someone at rguns.COM and he's trying to avoid being confused with rguns.NET, the yahoos that are causing the problems.


New member
Yes, please note that the offending party is rguns.NET out of Illinois.

The people that run rguns.COM are getting a bunch of hate mail that shouldn't be directed at them. I believe they are based in Texas. They are a completely different company.