RG Revolvers


New member
I am looking at buying a few of these cheap to practice refinishing them maybe restore one for display. The rest may end up online as parts..not sure yet..

Not sure I would want to put these back I to recirculation :)


New member
WOW! Another mega-necro thread.

Anyway, I was given an RG 10 that I use with blanks to train the dogs, mostly from marking the furniture. Before I deemed it safe to use, even with blanks, I had to drill out the hole in the frame and groove in the barrel and install a larger pin.


New member
I had an RG20 in 22 Short, it was my first handgun. It was fun to mess around with, but it wasn't anything to write home about in terms of accuracy or function. I have since upgraded to a Ruger Security Six in .357, but I liked the Roehm too, for whatever reason. :D
Welcome to TFL, KC.

In most instances, restarting old threads is frowned upon if the new information is not absolutely onpoint with the topic of the original thread.

As such, your message (and all subsequent to it) have been moved to a new thread.

And, Jim is correct. You can't refinish pot metal revolvers.

Well, I suppose you could do something with a can of Krylon. It might stay put for a few minutes before flaking off.


New member
I think you'll find that cold blue works on zinc. Don't know how wear resistant it is, though. Also, if you prime the zinc, Krylon will do a fair job of concealing stuff.

I have two zinc wonders that were given to me; They both work, and they both shoot. For how long, I don't know, but I was surprised that they shot at all. Of the two, the H. Schmidt seems to be the better built one. (The other is the RG 10 that I had to drill a larger pin hole and install a larger pin to keep the barrel from turning, LOL).


New member
Well, I suppose you could do something with a can of Krylon. It might stay put for a few minutes before flaking off.

You might be surprised at how long it will stay. :D


New member
Well, I suppose you could do something with a can of Krylon. It might stay put for a few minutes before flaking off.

You might be surprised at how long it will stay.

Especially if you prime it first.