Revolvers, accuracy, and handloads--check out the pics


New member
Attached are the pics from my most recent range trip with a new load of handloads.

What do you think?

This one is from 10 yards, single action, 158 RNL with Unique.


  • 7 shot 38 special .jpg
    7 shot 38 special .jpg
    196.2 KB · Views: 212


Tighten your wrist up. That's the common cause for stringing high like that. Looks like everything else is happening just like it's supposed to.

Using a S&W, that should be a one-hole group, or close to it, otherwise.

(Wadcutters will make cleaner holes, of course).

It's just that I'm an ex-range rat.:D


New member
Agree with Trapshooter.....should be one hole at that range.

Take your time. Treat each shot as if it were to be the only one of the day. Get sight picture precise and hold it all the way through trigger pull.

Man, some of us are picky.:D



New member
Thanks for the replies and constructive criticism.

I guess that I also should have mentioned that I'm a fairly new shooter and very new to reloading, so I'm proud of the group.

Sam-one hole group, huh? I'm learning that a lot of shooting is mental, since I always ruin my groups by looking at the target and getting all excited when the center is punched out! And then messing up the next shot...