Review - Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
Picked this up the other night as it is written this year by Massad Ayoob.

This is one of the most even handed books on the subject that I've read. Lots of good points and solid information. Ayoob does a good job of covering the basics. He also has some great chapters on point shooting v. aimed fire, CQB and ammunition.

For anyone who is interested in the subject, this is a good read. Great for beginners and for the more advanced types, good for picking up some pointers.

Price at Barnes and Noble was $ 22.95..


New member
I agree

As a relatively new shooter, I have been trying to pick up as much "unbiased" information as possible. I found Ayoob's book logical, informative, and heck, the guy even show's a bit of a sense of humor. Another endorsement.


New member
Are the articles in this new edition new original articles or are they republished ones from his volumes of past work?


New member
Overall it's a good book, but Ayoob still buy into the M&S stats on stopping power.:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: