Retired Militia


New member
OK…. So now some of us are over the 45 year age limit for mandatory service in the militia…. Some of us are not physically fit to serve…. So is that the end of our service to our God and our Country? No… it is just the beginning… Here are some of the things that we should be working on…..

1. Involved in politics…
a. Supporting candidates with your time, funds and influence.
b. Running for office yourself.
c. Harassing the **** out of your rep’s to adhere to the constitution (phone, letters, e-mail and in person).
2. Passing on the knowledge….. Admit it. Although you may not acknowledge it, at your age you are a wealth of knowledge and experience… You should be out there teaching every youngster how to safely use firearms…. How to track down that elusive buck. Where to set up that stand… When is the proper time to use the feeder call or the whisper. Simple things that we take for granted like which of our eyes is dominate to shoot with. How to put those .25 inch groups in at 150 yards with a 30-06. How to shoot both left and right hand barricade under pressure. All the little things that we take for granted because we have been doing them for so long that they are automatic…. It is our responsibility to pass this knowledge down to the next generation.

3. Our CONSTITUTION…. To properly instruct the next generation as to the true meaning of our republic… To show them that they MUST read our Constitution and our founding documents for themselves and not rely upon the propaganda put out by our educational system and the main stream press.

4. To insure that the next generation of our militia is free of government interference. With the Brady registration…. Make a gift of your arms… Pass them on down unregistered in any way you can think of. No more need be said…

All this boils down to… find a couple of good kids (male or female)…. Teach them… help them in their life and careers… be a mentor…. This is the duty of a RETIRED MILITA MEMBER.

And as to an example of what you can do up and beyond the call of duty….. look to Rich and TFL… look to Col. Cooper...


Paul B.

New member
Bookie. I read somewhere, where if you served in the military, that your were part of the militia until age 60. I would imagine that this was because you had military experience, you would be needed to train the newbies that did not have that experience.
There was a thread somewhere on a Judge Veleck (sp) who is a strong progun type. He had a like to title 10 which gave the the law, and there were other links to other parts of title 10 as well. If I can find it again, I'll try to pass it on.
Paul B.


New member
If you are an honorably discharged veteran, you are a member of the militia until age 65. The partial source is the United States Code Service, Title 10 (Armed Forces), Chapter 13 (The Militia). Possibly paragraph 312 or 313? The composition and classes are given in paragraph 311, and militia duty exemptions in 312a. I don't have 312 or 313 before me right now.


New member
So, sinse I am a member of the U.S. Militia I don`t need a carry permit and can have a full auto "MG" and not get prosecuted for an illegal weapon?
Yes this is a serious question.
No! I don`t have a full auto.


New member
Sodbuster: Do you have a Web listing for the United States Code Service? I would be very interested in it.


New member

I'll have to do some research, I'm curious now too. Something odd going on. When you do an internet search for the USC, you get a lot of websites, but most of those direct you to either Cornell University's website or the House of Representatives' site. Both sites include the composition and the exemption from duty, but no reference to honorably discharged veterans serving until age 65. I read this in my library's set of the USC. I wonder if the latest edition of the USC has "filtered" this paragraph out? By an act of Congress? By executive order?