Rethink the way you speak.


New member
Good list and advice. Words and language are important, and material like this can help us win. You're generally not going to convert the rabid antis, but you can swing some middle-of-the-roaders.

Here's a comeback I made recently that I attribute to keeping up with pages like the above:

Middle-of-the-roader Q: "Why do you need a gun for self defense in your house? How often have you been robbed?"

Me A: "Do you have a fire extinguisher in your house? How often do you have out of control fires?"

Middle-of-the-roader: "Good response!"


New member
used it to get into a "frame of mind"

I read it just before I went on the local talk radio station (WBEN) here in Buffalo last year to debate a conservative, yet anti-gun talk show host, (Clip Smith). I think I came across as pretty reasonable by using terms like "pro-rights" and "right to carry", etc. He kept calling me a "gun nut" and I had to correct him. :) My mother-in-law listened to the show and thought I came across well and had convincing arguements (She's a "moderate" that believes in "reasonable" gun control).