Results from S&W IDPA Indoor Nationals


New member
The Smith & Wesson IDPA Indoor National Championships wrapped up this weekend, crowning five National Champions across IDPA's competitive categories. For a complete list of the scores, click here. Here are the champions in their divisions:

CDP Champion: David Olhasso Master 179.88 (57)
ESP Champion: Robert Vogel Master 150.72 (32)
SSP Champion: Dave Sevigny Master 151.86 (36)
ESR Champion: Jerry Miculek Master 214.35 (47)
SSR Champion: Craig Buckland Master 236.60 (39)

Team S&W did extremely well, with David Olhasso, Jerry Miculek, and Craig Buckland (all Team S&W shooters) winning their respective division championships. I guess there is something to be said for homefield advantage.

The category winners from the match are as follows:

High Senior: Scott Warren ESP - Master 175.58 (57)
High Lady: Randi Rogers SSP - Master 253.74 (85)
High Law Enforcement: Robert Vogel ESP - Master 150.72 (32)
High Industry: Robert Vogel ESP - Master 150.72 (32)
High International: Hans Silbitzer SSP - Master 274.20(140)
High Junior: James McGinty ESP - Master 188.33 (47)
High Military: Stephen Cheng ESP - Expert 248.43(121)
Most Accurate: James Meyers SSP - Master 196.98 (28)

Team Glock also did pretty well in the match, with Dave Sevigny winning the SSP division by a mile (more than 40 seconds separate Dave from the next closest finisher) and Randi Rogers winning the High Lady award.

The most interesting item to me is that David Olhasso won CDP division not with a Performance Center 1911, but rather with an M&P pistol, chambered in the mandatory .45 ACP for that division. You can read more about that at; it is quite apparently that M&P line is doing quite well and will keep going strong in the competition shooting arena.

In its second year as an official National Championship (previous years were "Indoor Championships", in 2008 IDPA declared the match to be a National Championship level) attendance was down slightly from 2008, with the biggest losses being in the CDP and Stock Service Pistol divisions; a loss which can likely be chalked up to the economy and shooters not wanted to take the travel expense. Over 200 shooters completed the match, with the most represented division being Stock Service Pistol at 106 shooters.

Congratulations to all the winners, and here's to a great match next year!


New member
That's awesome, and one of the things I love about the shooting sports is that average joes like you and me can rub elbows with the equivalent of Roger Federer or Tiger Woods for the shooting sports, but unlike those guys the interaction is, well, totally normal.