Restrain Your Language - But Never Forget!

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Staff Emeritus

I have a photo for you. Here is the caption for the photo from Reuters:

President Clinton accompanied by Dave Evert (L) and Dan Evert (R), sons of
former fighter pilot Captain Lawrence Evert, survey the Joint Task Force-Full
Accounting excavation site in the village of Tien Chau, outside of Hanoi
November 18, 2000.

Clinton visited the site where the team is searching for the remains of Evert,
whose fighter plane crashed while on a bombing mission 17 miles northwest
of Hanoi on November 8, 1967.

Before you go to the photo, steel yourselves.

Please, maintain decorum on TFL.

We do not want to lower ourselves to the level of our President.

We want our children to see this and to understand our fury.

Look at the President's pants suit.


(DC and Rich, thank you for your help in making the photo available for us.)

Once you have seen the picture, if you believe it looks like the "black pajamas" of our former adversary, then I would ask that you spread this photo and its caption far and wide. Use the internet to show what our leadership has become to wear something like that over the muddy hole that serves as a grave for a brave American.

Note what we could expect from someone such as Vice President Gore - who calls President Clinton as a "dear friend" and mentor.

Here’s the full story:


Clinton Arrives in Former South Vietnam Capital
November 18, 2000 1:18 pm EST

By Arshad Mohammed
HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam (Reuters) - Bill Clinton arrived in Ho Chi Minh
City late Saturday, the first U.S. president since the Vietnam War to visit the
city that fell to the communists after American troops pulled out in the

Clinton will spend a night and day in the former South Vietnamese capital,
then known as Saigon.

The last U.S. president to visit was Richard Nixon in July 1969, at the height
of a war in which more than 58,000 Americans and three million Vietnamese

Clinton arrived from Hanoi, where he was warmly received as a champion of
reconciliation who not only opposed and avoided the war, but ended a
punishing trade embargo in 1994, normalized diplomatic ties a year later and
pushed through a bilateral market-opening agreement this year.

The president, his wife Hillary and daughter Chelsea were met at the city's
Tan Son Nhut airport, which was also a U.S. airbase during the war, by
officials and children with bouquets of flowers.

Thousands of people lined the route of Clinton's motorcade as it drove into
the city shortly after midnight. Thousands more, mostly young people on
motorbikes, converged on streets near his city-center hotel. They were in a
festive mood, with many cheering and waving.

"I love Bill Clinton," said one young woman. "Even though he's getting older,
he still looks great!"

Most of the crowd dispersed when they realized they could not get to the
hotel, which was cordoned off by police.


Clinton is due to address business leaders in the city, Vietnam's main
commercial hub, and also plans to call on Roman Catholic Archbishop Phan
Minh Man to discuss restrictions on religious freedoms.

He ends his three-day trip to Vietnam Sunday evening and leaves for

Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City when it fell to the victorious
communists in April 1975 and the last U.S. troops and officials were
evacuated by helicopter from America's longest and most divisive war.

During his trip to Vietnam, Clinton has worked to open a new chapter in
U.S.-Vietnam relations and in a keynote speech on Friday in Hanoi
acknowledged the suffering on all sides.

Saturday, Clinton came face-to-face with the war's painful legacy when he
visited a muddy clay field northwest of Hanoi city where workers are
searching for a U.S. pilot shot down in 1967. The visibly moved president
said the pilot's sons, who joined him at the site, deserved "finally to take
their father home."

Then at a silent floodlit ceremony at Hanoi's Noi Bai airport before departing
for Ho Chi Minh City, Clinton attended a formal repatriation of remains
believed to be of three other U.S. servicemen.

Earlier, Clinton met Vietnamese children maimed by some of the millions of
land mines left over from decades of war with the United States and France.

"This is the tragedy of war for which peace provides no answer," Clinton said.
He spoke after shaking hands with one of the maimed, a young boy who
raised the stump of his left arm and his whole right arm to greet the


He has stressed the importance of the younger generation in Vietnam, where
60 percent of people have been born since the war, in building a prosperous

In Ho Chi Minh city, Clinton is to meet young people active in journalism and
non-governmental service, and to visit a computerized container shipping
terminal -- a location chosen to call attention to the trade agreement and the
need for increased economic openness.

Ho Chi Minh City never quite lost its business flair despite attempts to impose
hard-line central planning after 1975, and has led the country economically
since the communist leadership in Hanoi embarked on market-orientated
reforms in 1986.

Pham Khanh Lynh, a 30-year-old former hotel manager who is typical of a
new breed of entrepreneurs in the city, said Clinton's visit should provide a
boost for business.

"It's a good chance for the world to take another look at Vietnam," he said
"We want to show that we welcome everyone in Vietnam and Mr. Clinton is
an example."

Lynh runs the city's Indexx Cafe, which acted as an unofficial stock market
before Vietnam opened its first fledgling securities exchange in July.


[Edited by Dennis on 11-18-2000 at 08:43 PM]


New member
He looks like a....socialist. As does the blonde in sunglasses behind him. Widest possible dissemination is indicated.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
(Choking back other, more pithy comments . . . )

Wonder what the collar devices are? Anyone get a look at a close-up of Clinton in that garb?



Staff Emeritus
When I first saw Clinton in that black outfit, I "lost it" so badly that it frightened my wife and scared our Rottweiler. Worst case of "hate flash" I've had in more than 20 years.

How could Clinton, and ALL the members of his staff, not know that his black pants suit, worn in Vietnam, would remind at least some of us of our past in SE Asia.

It simply had to be intentional.

What a slap at those who served, at the families who lost loved ones there, at those kids (average age was 19 y/o) who died there.

(I'm starting to breathe heavy again so I'll stop here.
Fill in the blanks as you know I mean them. :mad: )


New member
As a vet...

I'm most definitely _not happy._ Geeze, can't really say much, other than that. Dang, but I'd wager that Gunny Hathcock must have targeted more than a few folks wearing the same garb...


New member
VC Klinton

Do you think he's holding his AK-47 behind his back?
Sure wouldn't surprise me......the SOB. :(


New member
I remember something about Article 15 "flagrant disregard for military bearing". To bad the commander n chief does'nt have to abide by regulations.

Very sickening.


New member
There was a time when that was called a target! Weapons free, gentleman...

I didn't think I could have a lower opinion of that man. I was wrong. :mad:


New member
Dennis, this thread really got my blood pressure up - again.

Sad to say but the Klintons are not done spreading their evil yet. I really don't fully understand why but millions of people will continue to embrace their socialist elitelist drivel.


:mad: :mad:



Moderator Emeritus
In eight years, I've never seen the "man" wear anything but a business suit when abroad. Now, under the guise of normalizing relations with ChiCom-supported Vietnam, he "reaches out" by wearing this garb. There is no doubt in my mind that his outfit was intentional.

This is a fitting farewell to a man whom history will remember as infamous. He turned his back on his country once before when he could have served. He’s now dishonoring those who gave all, fighting a war their government wouldn’t let them win. This burns my ____ beyond belief! This pOTUS is despicable. He is a... He should be... I can’t go on... :mad: :mad: :mad:


New member
I have an Aunt who is Vietnamese and lost her first husband fighting to keep Vietnam out of Communist hands. She doesn't talk about it much, but when she does the hatred she feels for what the Communists did to her country comes out loud and clear with each syllable.

The fact that a sitting President could so blatantly disregard the feelings of those who died for freedom and even revel in the fact that he is a draft dodger makes me sick to my stomach. I am not old enough to have fought in that war but the fact that this Monster is representing our country embarrasses and sickens me.

What in the HELL is going on with this country? Why don't people see where this is leading us?

Pardon me-I need to go to the range and work off some frustration-after I explain to my son why that picture of Clinton made me cry, and after I call my aunt.

Country Boy

New member
My dad was overseas in VN, and I've read many books about the war, and even though my anger isn't as deep as you vets who were there, I am still thoroughly disgusted with WJC. I dislike making assumptions, but I have no doubt that his attire was chosen knowing full well the meaning behind the "black pajamas". A black shirt and khakis or blue jeans I could accept; dressing like the VC I cannot.

I will leave the rest of my thoughts up to your imagination.


New member
Okay, Dennis...

I reposted this on several forums;,,, and on my forum.

Everybody else, get this picture out to everyone you know. Let them know that it is an outrage, for Klinton, acting in the capacity of a U.S. President, to wear the uniform of the enemy! Especially over the remains of a fallen serviceman!



Staff Emeritus
Thanks, Joe.

Apparently some Democrats can not believe the photo of President Clinton.
I got the photo from iWon which, at the moment, is not available.
However, for those who believe this photo is a fake,
I have several suggestions - of which this one applies to the photo.

Go to:
Select search for “photos”
Insert keywords Clinton Vietnam

To save some effort for doubters, try the following few urls.

Here are some of our President, a ho under Ho

And freebies: Pictures of the Senator-elect from New York and her offspring.


New member
I sent this picture to an online buddy of mine, a Vietnam vet. The mildest thing he said about it was, "It kinda makes you wish Jack Kevorkian was the White House doctor, don't it?"


"Bill Clinton does not have the moral fiber to be a mass murderer." -- Nobel Peace Prize recipient Dr. Henry Kissinger
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