Restoring my 1903a3-Stock Stained


New member
Well ladies and gentleman I heading down the home stretch with this project!
Sunday (despite feeling like crap) I stained my 1903a3 stock; using equal parts of tung oil and mineral spirit and this it how came out:


However the top part (hand guard) is darker than the rest of the stock.
(I know it's hard to see - crappy photo I know)
Can I do anything to make it match?
Will another coat make it darker?

ALSO - Do I need put anything else on it (like a sealer)?
About once a year I put Tom's 1/3 mix on wooden stocks as a preventive measure.
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New member
It looks different because it was likely not cut from the same piece of wood as the rest of the stock. Maybe not even the same tree. Without using a coloring stain to try and match the two, I think it is just something you'll have to live with.


New member
"Doyle - It looks different because it was likely not cut from the same piece of wood as the rest of the stock. Maybe not even the same tree. Without using a coloring stain to try and match the two, I think it is just something you'll have to live with. "

Yea probably - not the worst thing in the world :D

Now I just have to find a bayonet for it!
All of my C&R guns have bayo's for them (so why stop now?).
I even found a bayo (although a repro) for my M39!