Restating the obvious ...

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that all of us in the firearms hobby already knew; and those without a modicum of firearms knowledge didn't. As many as twenty million new citizens will be transformed from firearms restricted to firearms permitted persons overnight.

The same politicians who are so hot to trot for illegal aliens to become citizens are the same politicians who hate firearms and firearms ownership. Yet, with the stroke of a pen, those same politicians will create as many a twenty million qualified persons for firearms ownership, possession, use, and carry.

It will be interesting to see what the Brady Bunch says of this.

It will be even more interesting to see what those who have attempted to disarm people they have branded as too "hot blooded" will think. Most anti-firearms laws throughout history have been used to disarm certain groups especially racial minorities. Now, they will have to face up to the fact that there will be millions more of "those people" who will be able to own firearms.

We all remember the antis railing against "Saturday Night Specials" and how they would be able to be purchased for low cost by anyone, even the poor in low income areas where most crime occurs.

For a discussion of the racist origins of gun control, see (See Tonso, William R. -- "Gun Control: White Man's Law" © 1985 Reason Foundation. Originally published as 17 Reason 22 (Dec. 1985))

In a well written article, Alan Korwin states the obvious in the perspective it deserves.


Millions Of People Will Suddenly Find Themselves Eligible To Buy Guns
Published on Monday, August 05, 2013

There’s Lead In The Amnesty Ointment
By Alan Korwin


The law that currently bans them from gun ownership or possession only affects them as illegal aliens. With citizenship that disability evaporates. The freedom to keep and bear arms, which the Bill of Rights guarantees the rest of us, will instantly be theirs. This will cause a reordering of the political landscape beyond anything Congress has imagined.

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do you believe that ANYONE who is currently breaking a law, is going to be concerned about breaking any other law at the same time?


New member
The same politicians who are so hot to trot for illegal aliens to become citizens are the same politicians who hate firearms and firearms ownership. Yet, with the stroke of a pen, those same politicians will create as many a twenty million qualified persons for firearms ownership, possession, use, and carry.

Politicians are not good at connecting issues or even connect the dots for that matter. I see the point the OP is making, yet if the illegals are made citizens and are not otherwise prohibited I see no problem.

Also, those politicians will not be allowed to forget the fight to disarm everybody, including the newly legal citizens.


here we go again... wheres that dead horse icon...

the group in question is generally one that votes liberal. more liberal votes are not that great.

the main intent is to get a massive voter base with the stroke of a pen that can be used to control the future.
I really can't see that this is going to be going anywhere good anytime soon, so I think it's best to just call it off right now.

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