

New member
...for my Grandmother.

It is hard to lose a loved one, even moreso
during this time approaching the Holidays.
This morning my grandmother passed on beyond
this life. She was blessed by many years
(having celebrated her ninety-fifth birthday
in October), children, grandchildren, great-
and great-great grandchildren, and a quiet,
peaceful passing.
She was creative and self-reliant in ways that
are sadly lacking in today's world, possessing
the pioneer spirit, which we that remain must
keep alive and carry forward.
In my younger days I would spend a week or two
at her place during the summer. There was some
work around the house and yard and lots of playing
and hunting in the fields and woods. She taught
me about crafts and gardening and slingshots and
how to skin a squirrel. The first real pistol I
ever shot was a little revolver she kept for
"just in case." Good times indeed.
Her later years were spent living with family,
but the day has finally come when she could go
no further, and passed away in her sleep.

And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace;
thou shalt be buried in a good old age.

Myra M. Jones (Mamo)
October 24, 1905
December 14, 2000


Staff Emeritus
Condolences to you and your family.
May you long remember her and her great contributions to your family.

Munro Williams

New member
On to Her Reward

She had ninety-five great years. My Nana passed ten years ago. She was English, and once told me about when she saw a Zeppelin.

We are blessed by their experience, which is beyond the comprehension of all too many of our contemporaries, and doubly blessed for having heard it straight from their mouths.

Can you imagine what our civilization would have become without such women?
My condolences on your loss

Your Grandmother sounds like a very wonderful and versatile person. Slingshots & skinning squirrels? When you teach a child how to use a slingshot or skin a squirrel, you'll reflect on fond memories of your childhood and of her; in that respect, she'll always be with you.


New member
Gone on, to pioneer in a better place, but remembered, remembered.......

Thank you for sharing the gifts she gave you with us.