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request to split IDPA discussions away from competition into a dedicated forum


New member
the thread

why do i think this should happen?

I have been looking for a dedicated IDPA discussion site for a little while now... I recently found out about a small one run by the front range (marckco's group in colorado) but it doesnt have that "critical mass" yet.

I initially wanted to spin a forum out over on Glocktalk, but since IDPA is not Glock specific (what - there are hanguns that are not made in Austria?) I think TFL is a better home for such a forum.

I would volunteer to moderate, co-moderate, or just be a frequent poster. I would think MarkCO, Steve Koski, and a handfull of others would be willing as well. Perhaps TFL Admin have similar plans & already have a moderator in mind. There is likely a large pool of potential moderators for such a site. AS LONG AS WE GET A FORUM, (and Sarah Brady is not moderating it) I think all will be happy.

If TFL does not split out a IDPA forum, I may go ahead and start one at GT, but if you do start one I think we can expect much of the GT IDPA discussion to migrate over to this site.

ALSO - If a IDPA forum is started up, please consider moving (or copying) all IDPA related threads currently in the competition section into the new forum.

Who knows - I might even pay to put a banner ad/link to TFL's IDPA forum on the top of GT's competition forum.

Rusty Phillips
Thanks, Rusty. But the Competition Forum is already dedicated primarily to IDPA. If you chhose to set up an IDPA Forum on GT, you do so with our blessing. Eric is family to us.
Rich Lucibella


New member
George - I vaugely remember reading something once about - what was it UPSC? maybe it was WEPSC?.... of yeah IPSC!