Request from a lady who used her gun to survive a home invasion


New member
To all TFLers,

If we all write to the Maury Povich show after
Susan Gonzalez appears, we can make a statement
for RKBA. Notice that he didn't want hers to be
a "gun issue." Of course, what other issue is
there when you use a gun to save two lives from
brutal home invaders?

        This is a very true story. Your help
would only be a postage stamp and a letter. I am
on a segment of Maury Povich On August 9th 2001.
You can check his web site for the time in your
area at:
        If you do not know my story you can read
it on the Women And Guns Magazine site at:
        Most of us know that my type of story
does not get heard very often by news media. They
always show stories of how guns kill children and
how dangerous guns are. And when they do show my
side they always downplay it. Well, I feel that
if we let the networks know what we want to see
maybe they will change their views on guns and
start helping with the rights of gunowners.
        What I am asking of each and everyone
that reads this is to send a letter to the Maury
Povich Show and let him know that we want more
coverage on these types of issues. Not some of
the stupid shows that they do now.
I was not given the time to tell my story
on the show because I was asked not to make this
a gun issue. It is time we make it a gun issue
and protect all of our rights to have the
"Choice" to protect our own life!   Please pass
this to all on your email lists. I would like to
see that Maury gets more letters on this issue
then any other story he has aired. And then maybe
they will get the point. The address is: The
Maury Show 15 Penn Plaza New York, NY 10001
  Story: "I Was Left For Dead...But I Survived!".
If you will do this for the cause of our Second
Amendment Rights when you send your letter would
you please drop me an email to let me know that
you have sent a letter so I can keep up with the
amount of mail they get from this story at This way if they choose
not to let the public know how many letters where
received on this story then I can let the news
media know. I will continue to fight for my
rights and yours.
        Regards   Susan Gonzalez

Jim V

New member
Robert, the link to the Women & Guns article mentioned in her e-mail does not work. Did her story appear in your book, if not , could you relate it?

Thank you, My friend.


New member
The "l" in "html" wasn't recognized and so it gave a "Not Found" message.

Here's part of the article, from the Women & Guns website. Click their link to give them the hits they need for the advertisers.

Lessons in Reality:
Susan Gonzalez, Anti-Gun Mom Turned Survivor

By Lyn Bates, Contributing Editor

Mike Gonzalez had guns around the house. His wife Susan hated them. When he tried to teach her the basics of shooting, she let him give her a couple of lessons, but closed her eyes in fear and disgust when she fired, just to get it over with. Most of Mike's guns were kept locked up, but there was one, a Ruger .22 caliber pistol, that he kept for defense. "We had a lot of arguments about that gun," Susan says. "I'm not particularly religious, but I'm glad God let Mike win those arguments."

Susan and Mike, both in their early forties, raised five children, most of whom were grown. Mike was a machine operator. Susan was a children's photographer. They lived outside of Jacksonville, Florida, in a fairly rural area on 10 wooded acres, with a state road in front that, being near a prison facility, was well traveled by police vehicles. They thought of their home as being safe, but took normal precautions, such as double locks and a peephole in the front door. Susan was always careful about safety.

August 1, 1997 was a Friday night. Mike went to sleep early, around 10:30, because he had to be up early for work the next day. Susan was tired, but, as was her habit, she stayed up waiting for her youngest, 18-year-old Mike, Jr. At 11:15, she beeped his pager, and asked him to come home by midnight. He was playing video games with his friends, and pleaded to stay out really late. They compromised on 1 AM.

Susan didn't know it, but her peace was about to be invaded by three lowlifes, Raymond Waters, Robert Walls, and Louie Wright. Waters and Walls were 22-years-old, Wright slightly older. Wright had a prior conviction for possession of burglary tools. Walls was an accomplished criminal, with prior arrests or convictions for drugs, weapons violations, burglaries, and thefts. He had recently completed a prison term for car theft. With other friends, his gang may have been responsible for as many as 70 home invasions in two or three counties. They had a somewhat unusual method of operation, probably designed to keep the police from looking for them-they would beat the occupants severely, rob them, and then tell the terrorized victims not to report the crime, or they would come back and kill them. On that particular night, Wright was the driver and lookout; Waters and Walls would do the home invasion and robbery.



New member
I second that, Sam. WOW, a really inspiring story. It's especially noteworthy how the big bad well-armed well-rehearsed gang got their asses kicked by a non-gunny mom and her .22lr and 5' 6" husband's bare hands. Their get-away driver bailed, and then one guy actually runs over his wounded comrade to get out of there. Worthless scum are worthless even to other scum.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."

- Gabe

PS: Here are those links all together:

The site with show times:

The story:

Susan's Email:


New member
NICE..... when the good guys win.

I hope justice is served, and wonder why they haven't moved away.


New member
I'm with the others. Wow.

and wonder why they haven't moved away
Easy one. It's their home. They bled for it. It's up to the other side to move on. That couple is done being pushed around.


New member
You may find these handy for contacting a lot of people- save and pass on to others:
-Contact info for major media outlets--
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These mailers allow you to send one email message to each public
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In case you weren't aware of it, we also use the Capitol Wiz
system for various types of online legislative and media

Jack Carson

New member
My hat is off to this lady

and she has my total admiration and gratitude. Would that all people be so!!! Whatever we can do to promote her and her actions is our responsibility. Let it be so.


New member
A rule left out of the story. Don't waste time and ammo with warning shots, shoot as if your life depends on every shot, it does.

Scott A. Vaughn


I've told my wife (before reading this article--and again having read it) that if she has a chance to shoot, that she is not to hold her fire for fear of hitting me if I'm wrestling with attacker(s).

Here's my rationale:

If we win, even if she hits me by mistake, we can seek medical help at that point.

If we lose, there's a good chance we're both dead anyway--so she might as well take the shot.


New member
I saw John Wayne's movie "True Grit"...but this couple redefines the term. Thats more grit than 40 miles of gravel road! If it ever hits the fan around me, I hope I'll step up and follow their example!
Incredible....I was just drawn to tell them both thanks for telling their story.Hopefully when my wife sees this story,she'll understand what I have been telling her.......
May God bless them both,they served their time in hell already.


New member
To all that have left messages thanks so much for the encouragement. To why I have not moved I believe that was answered well right here. I hope each and everyone one of you will pass this to someone that needs to hear this story to change their minds and feelings. I did what I had to do to survive and for my husband to survive. I just believe that I am a little smarter today because of what happened. Thanks so much for the information on sites to write emails and letters to. As this is the only way that I can spread my story. I will also like to thanks Lyn Bates for a story well written. Please each and everyone of you send a letter to Maury to let him know he needs to do more stories like this instead of some of the wild things that don'r seem to help anyone.


New member
Crimebuster007 - God bless you. What you did was heroic and admirable; don't let anyone tell you different.