Republican Party, Gingrich, and the NWO


Staff Emeritus
“Contract with America” or “Contract with the United Nations”?

Thanks to the TFL member who sent me the article, “Third Way Contract; Gingrich and Toffler” by Diane Alden and Steve Farrell (12/9/99).

The authors reveal the unseen power behind the Republican Revolution of
1994. These “Republican Revolutionaries” were not idealists striving
to represent the American people. They were only succumbing to the arm-twisting done by Gingrich. They were acting to preserve their campaign funds, their committee appointments, and the support of the Republican Party machine! “What is good for the country” had nothing to do with it.

Gingrich was leading America down the road to increased local power
(which is good) but also increased national power (Big Government) and,
apparently, increased power over us by the United Nations.

An extreme claim? Not according to Gingrich! “The core of our Contract,”
and the solution for those “trying to figure out how to put me in a box,” he
said, could be found in a book by futurist Alvin Toffler called, “The Third
Way”. Gingrich added, “I am a conservative futurist.”

The article describes Toffler as an “ex-Marxist”. “Futurism,” according to
Webster is “Study of, and interest in, forecasting or anticipating the future,
or theorizing on how to impose controls on events.” (stress added)

The key is “impose control.” The authors believe “... a conservative
futurist is one who busies himself on ‘conserving’ the dictatorship of
government controls far into the future, while all the while preaching
about democracy, free markets, and technological leaps.” This explains
why candidates talk of freedom and liberty but (once elected) act like

The authors note, “His [Gingrich’s] commitment to futurism or the Third
Way -- the same fascist/socialist-oriented Third Way that Clinton, Gore,
Blair, and Schroeder advocate
-- has a significant history. Gingrich
told his fellow Congressmen: “For a long time, I have been friends with
Alvin and Heidi Toffler, the authors of ‘Future Shock and The Third Way’.”
(stress added)

Alvin Toffler states, (quote)
“In 1975 at the request of Congressional Democrats, we organized a
conference on futurism.... We invited Newt Gingrich, probably the only
Republican among the many futurists we knew. He attended.
“That conference led to the creation of the Congressional Clearinghouse on
the Future, a group eventually co-chaired by a young senator named Al
, now vice president.” (unquote, stress added)

The authors state (quote)
“... in the wake of the passage of NAFTA, Henry Kissinger would be heard
bragging across the universe that the man most responsible for giving us
NAFTA (what Kissinger called the important checkpoint on the way to a
New World Order), was none other than Newt Gingrich. ...

“...Newt Gingrich, and his mentor Alvin Toffler ... are two cogs in the
wheel of the Third Way movement that has swept a new wave of socialism
across Europe, into NATO, and into the White House.

“... Millions of Americans in 1994 and since then have put their trust in the
Republican Party as a savior from the criminal legacy of the Clinton
Administration. What they received ... was a Contract, and a 1990’s
Republican philosophy, which [is] subtle compromise -- at times a subtle
aid -- to the advancement and promotion of national and international

“Our hope is that an increasing number of Americans, especially
Republicans, will open their eyes to the weakness of the party, and
become better equipped to recognize the hallmarks of the Third Way, so
that they can expose the current political agenda of the Republican Party.
They can possible put the party back on track to be a force for much good
in the coming century.”

It’s a long article, but well worth the read.

Again we have proof that the Democrats and Republicans are two
wings of the same political belief that we should become subservient to
socialistic globalism, whether it’s called “The New World Order”, the
“United Nations”, “Conservative Futurism”, or some other name.

Support either major political party and you support the efforts to create
an international, global, socialist state.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!