Replies from PA Reps.


New member
I wrote my PA reps and recieved some replies, I was pretty happy with what I read, figured I would share in hopes to motivate more PA residents to write all your reps.

Thank you for contacting me about the regulation of firearms in the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. I appreciate hearing your views.

On December 14, 2012, our nation experienced an unspeakable tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this terrible event, as well as to their families and loved ones.

Unfortunately, in the wake of this tragedy, there have been a number of Washington politicians, including President Obama, who seem determined to take advantage of these horrible events by advancing an anti-gun political agenda. President Obama put forth his legislative proposals which would: require criminal background checks for all gun sales; reinstate the assault weapons ban; restore a 10 round limit on magazines; eliminate armor piercing bullets; provide mental health services in schools; hire more police officers; and institute a federal gun trafficking statute. These legislative proposals are supplemented by 23 executive orders directing executive branch agencies to institute policies to supposedly enforce existing law and streamline sharing intra-agency information sharing.

As a strong advocate of 2nd Amendment rights, I do not support the implementation of additional regulations on firearms at the expense of law-abiding citizens. The President's most recent proposals will do little to curb future acts of violence and will do nothing to target the fundamental issues at hand, including addressing school security, mental health, and the extreme pervasiveness of violence in our society's culture and media. Connecticut gun laws, for example, are some of the most aggressive and restrictive in the nation, but that still did not prevent an individual from illegally obtaining firearms from a lawful owner.

As the father of two school-aged children, I am deeply concerned about the safety and security of our schools. I believe that the first step we must take is aggressively enforcing the laws currently on our books. Under the Obama Administration, gun prosecutions have decreased more than 45 percent. As a former federal prosecutor, I know firsthand the importance of fully enforcing gun laws and getting illegal firearms off of the streets. Additionally, I believe our nation must take a collective look at the treatment of the mentally ill and determine if our resources are being used appropriately and if additional resources are required. I will continue to work with my colleagues as we search for real solutions that will prevent these tragedies in the future, but I will not stand by as this Administration attempts to infringe upon the Constitutionally-guaranteed rights of lawful gun owners.

Please continue to contact me on matters that are important to you. It is an honor to serve you in the U.S. House of Representatives, thank you.


Tom Marino
Member of Congress"

"Thank you for taking the time to contact Rep. Farina and share your thoughts and concerns. As you may know, this is currently receiving a great deal of attention.

Representative-Elect Farina, is an avid outdoorsman, hunter and second amendment rights protector. He will support legislation protecting the rights of citizens to bear arms. Additionally, we need to restore the massive cuts to social programs enacted by Gov. Corbett, which leaves those affected on the streets with no help available because of the cuts.

Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Rep. Farina’s district office. Through our joint efforts, I am confident that we will be successful in our endeavors to ensure responsible protection for all.

David Valvano

David R. Valvano
Chief of Staff
State Representative Frank Farina
115th Legislative District"

"Thank you for contacting me about gun control. I appreciate hearing from you.
As you may know, January 16, 2013, President Obama announced a variety of gun policy measures in response to the Newtown, CT killings. I therefore value knowing your views on this important issue, which is important to me as I carefully review the President's proposals. Like many Pennsylvanians, I believe that Second Amendment rights are important and must be protected, but there may be areas of agreement with the White House that can be addressed to improve public safety. I also believe that people who use guns in an illegal manner or harm others with them should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
That said, we have consistently observed that mass killings are the result of serious mental illness. We therefore need to better protect ourselves from mentally ill individuals who seek to carry out such atrocities, including improved background checks. We also need to review and improve how we take care of the mentally ill. As I continue working with my Senate colleagues on both sides of the aisle on public safety, please be assured that I will keep your views about firearms in mind.
Thank you again for your correspondence. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of assistance.

Pat Toomey
U.S. Senator, Pennsylvania"