Replacing Stolen Guns


New member
As some of you might remember from last year, I lost about a dozen handguns during a burglary. The theft was accomplished by defeating a Homak-type steel gun cabinet (not a safe).

One of the guns stolen was a S&W Model 39 9mm. While the frame had been bead-blasted to bare aluminum and I kind of liked the 2-tone look, what really hurt was that this was the first handgun I ever purchased. Taking that gun, my S&W M-58 and a Model 28/25 conversion seriously pissed me off and depressed me at the same time.

I've met a lot of good folks here at TFL, the kind who will help you with a shooting problem, do research to answer your question and give you encouragement when you need it. But some folks go way above and beyond being "good people".

It was a local TFL'er here who spotted a near mint M39-2 in a shop and he was willing to put a deposit on it so I could check it out. But another customer offered to buy it outright then and there. Some of us might have let it go, but not this TFL'er. He plunked down a considerable sum to purchase the gun himself, risking that I'd purchase the gun from him. He was right, as I did purchase the gun from him, for what he had paid for the gun -- no profiteering -- which was his suggestion.

Within a week of picking up the M39-2, another one showed up at a store local to me, also in 99% condition, sans the box and papers. Now that I've put them side by side, they make a very pretty pair.

Boa2 -- I owe you bro! Thanks a million!

Now for the photography (note: I shoot pistols better than cameras).


An intersting footnote. The top specimen was built in 1972 and the bottom one in 1981. The year I graduated school and the year I first married. Go figure!


The colors are more correct in this photo.

gordo b.

New member
These are great pistols, they ARE going up and getting hard to find. Interestingly, when I got robbed for a dozen guns in 1979 , the collection got BETTER! Mini 14s morphed to H&Ks,Superblack Hawks replaced by Colt SAAs, S&W28 replaced by model 27 ect. ect. AND the steel surrounding them got thicker by a factor of 10x+!!!!!!!!!!:)


New member
"A friend in need, is a friend indeed"!

BillCA has been a great friend to all of us on this forum at one time or another and this is something that I had needed very much, in my quest to learn many new things about my first love(Revolvers!)! However, BillCA had always come through for me and was prompt with sharing his valuable gun knowledge with me! And, in knowing myself to be a "Perfectionist", I knew that I had been unrelenting in bombarding BillCA with a never ending stream of questions:eek: ! But, BillCA had just taken this in stride, with never any complaints-and without ever expecting anything in return! This I knew was a true mark of a real friend!

I had carried the thought in my mind for awhile, that I wanted to do something good for BillCA, if the opportunity had presented itself? And, that day came, the moment I just happened upon that long lost friend of BillCA's, that had been so dear to his heart(That 1972 vintage, Model 39-2!)! And, I could see how proud BillCA was feeling upon seeing his first reaction to handling this M39-2-and, this made me feel good inside!

And BillCA: You don't owe me anything-as just having your friendship, is all I need, along with just being happy, in knowing that you are now on your way towards replacing some of those "Lost" guns, in your previous gun collection! And(As the old saying goes).........."A FRIEND IN NEED, IS A FRIEND INDEED"!


New member
Replacing stolen guns

Gun replacements can be difficult.
My 2 3/4 Stainless Security Six replacement is getting to be rediculas.


New member
The news gets better

Boa2 is right -- things are looking up.

I came home Tuesday night and found a message on my answering machine. After 14 months, the PD called and said one of my stolen guns (the least valuable-wouldn't you know) was recovered by SFPD! I have a call in to the local PD to see what's required to recover the property. I'll keep you posted!

And one of these days, Boa2 and I will get to the range and do some shooting!

gordo b.

New member
Bill same thing for me! If you can find out WHO they got it from you COULD hire a PI and work backwards to the perp himsef! The cops are gonna do it!
I DID it to find most were sold to farm workers for a quick $50 BUT in those halicon days I shared my info with the det. on my theft case (?) and he got a warrant and got 4 back (from the one confiscated ) but the warrant was thrown out in court and the perp(a lifetime burglar) walked. OK I got 4 out, knew who it was and restrained my self from, er , retribution! G-d gave me a wonderful christmas present 5 years later when I got the Xmas morning paper to find he was shot!:D :D :D


New member
Hats off to you Boa...

But I am not surprised... the folks here in our forum are the best! Besides sharing knowledge at the drop of a dime, I had one member send me a pair of Hogue grips when I purchased my Taurus. No charge, no shipping.

Would love to get the entire forum together for a celebratory/introductory beer sometime!


New member
a yearly meet at the Cody Firearms Museum one year, Springfield Armory Museum the next, the Smithsonian the year after that........ wouldn't that be nice?

BillCA, and Boa2, good on both of you.