Replacement magazine tubes?

Matt Sutton

New member
If this is one of those don't ask/don't tell issues, let me know and I'll shut the hell up, but here goes....
I was reading a well known gunsmithing catalog the other day and ran across "replacement hi-capacity magazine tubes". They were not particularly cheap, but still less than new pre-bans. The only legal disclaimer they offered was that it is illegal to assemble the tubes with other new parts to create new magazines, with the implication that it is legal to use them to replace tubes on existing pre-ban magazines. I have absolutely no interest in becoming a felon, but I do have several preban mags that I wouldn't mind having a set of straight feed lips for.
Is this legal under the 1994 AWB?


From what I understand, you can replace parts of a PRE-ban magazine (repair). You CANNOT replace a post-ban mag tube with a pre-ban tube. Nor can you replace a 15-rnd tube with a 17-round tube. Mag function must remain per original specs. Of course, this was from an ATF agent....we all know how well they understand their own regs.:rolleyes:


New member
Don't believe anything a BAT-Man tells you.

Don't believe anything you read on the internet, either, especially this post :)

That said, the law allows repair/replacement of full-capacity magazines. If the feed lips go, replace the tube. Replace springs early and often. What you CAN'T do is create a whole new magazine from parts.

(from )

[18 U.S.C. 922(v)(2), (v)(4), (w)(2) and (w)(3)]

(O7) Are replacement parts for grandfathered semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices subject to regulation under the law?

No. Parts may be replaced in grandfathered semiautomatic assault weapons and grandfathered feeding devices without violating the law.


Matt Sutton

New member
Thank you for the replies. Yet another good reason to buy lots of pre-bans.
It's a real shame that hi-cap 10/22 mags were all made of crappy, unservicable plastic.