Replacement Foam for Gun Case ?


New member
I have an old (30 yrs +) briefcase size guncase with the egg carton style foam. It's getting about rotten. Discoloring and flaking and little cushion quality left. Anyone know where to get replacement foam? I haven't looked anywhere, but maybe a sewing fabric/craft store???


New member
Check your local area for any upholstry shops. There are two in my area that sell (and stock) foam rubber in various densities, and sizes.


New member
Computers and other electronic items are usually shipped in a box surrounded by a foam cocoon. You might be able to do the job with free pieces from those if you, your friends or place of work have purchased any electronics lately. At least you can practice cutting it to fit for free. :)


New member
Replacement foam for a gun case

I would go to WAL-MART and go into the craft section.
They sell "foam kits". I think the price is below $10.
The over all depth is what you would need to worry about.
Cut the foam to duplicate the original foam.


New member
closed cell

I would look for some closed cell foam, that is, that is not like a sponge, but the bubbles in the foam are not open. Open cell foam just acts like a big sponge and dries out the oil or whatever you put on the gun to protect it. Unless it is just for transport to the range or something. Also acts like a sponge for moisture. Bad deal for long term storage.