Repairing light scratches on SS guns


New member
I recently bought a used Ruger Stainless MKII pistol, but it had some light scratches that made bright streaks on an otherwise nicely brushed finish. Note that these were not deep gouges, just some light scratches that may have been caused by dragging the gun across a hard-edged surface.

Thought about polishing the whole gun, like a stainless revolver I had, but thought better of it, wanting to keep it looking "factory" as much as possible.

So, how to duplicate the brushed effect without re-brushing the whole gun? Being a part-time gunsmith, I had some 120 grit carborundum powder and thought of how it's used for engine-turning, but didn't want to do that. Hmm, how about using a pencil eraser with grit to stroke parallel to the original brushed finish, so I tried it and it worked GREAT! I just dabbed the eraser into some grit, then stroked across the scratch a little wider than the scratch.

I should have taken before and after pictures, but take it from me that it worked amazingly well. The gun looks almost perfect. I can't see any finish variations when viewed closely.

Some folks may find similar results from fine steel brushing or emery paper, but this was quick and limited in area, basically to take the "shine" off the scratches. Hope this information is useful.



New member
Simpler solution would be to use the dark red or light grey scotch-brite pads.


I have used Scotch-Brite on some beat up brushed stainless steel watch bracelets with great success. With a steady hand you can replicate the brushed finish nicely.