Repair turnaround time?


New member
Have any of you ever sent a Taurus firearm in for repair?

How long did it take? Did they do the job well?

I'm sending a peice in soon and will be reporting the outcome here when it's finished and in my hands.


New member
A few years ago a friend sent his PT99 back for some kind of repair and it took six months for it to come back. However, when it arrived his well used gun looked like a new gun.


New member
Well, I sent the wheelgun off yesterday to see it's maker. So today I'll be picking up another unusualy long wheelgun to keep me from missing it too much while it's gone.

(What's the highest velocity .44mag load?)


New member


My gun?
Or (in what's left of) your gun?
How much money you got?
What bullet weight?

(The 300g cannot acheive 1800fps. For the second shot -- need new gun.)


New member
IMNSBE (in my not so bright experience)

Accuracy was superb, considering: indoors, loud (real loud), and considerable unexpected recoil.

Was less than one inch from point of aim.

Big brass hammer and Ruger service made it all better.
I still have the case (and gun).

ps I actually know how to spell achieve

pps don't try this at home

Country Boy

New member

I had a broken firing pin spring in a Taurus revolver, so my FFL sent it in. About a week and a half later, he got a card that said it would be 4-5 weeks before the gun was repaired and sent back. We got the gun back a week later. This just happened in the last month, so it is current info.

So all told, from sending the gun in to getting the gun back was approximately three weeks. I was pleasantly surprised.