Repair Data

roy reali

New member
Is there anywhere that someone could find repair rates for various guns? You can find data for cars. You could see how often Toyotas or Chevys go to the shop for fixing. But for guns I haven't been able to find any such information. Does it even exist?


New member
You will find it on forums like this. Nothing formal and sometimes biased but you can get a good idea of what the deal is on almost any gun out there.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Brownells once published a book for gunsmiths showing average prices for common jobs, like rebarrelling or drilling and tapping for a scope. Today, most gunsmiths simply charge like plumbers, a flat hourly rate plus parts and material. It is that flat rate (usually around $40-50 an hour, that makes repair of some old guns prohibitive. Sure, a good gunsmith can make that complex firing pin that the original parts list has for $.25. But not for $.25. More like $50-100. So do you still want that worn out old .22 single shot fixed?


roy reali

New member

I was looking more repair frequency data.

There are several publications dedicated to automoblies. You see how often Chevies or Toyotas require repairs. It might give someone some notion of reliability.

I was wondering if there is anything like that for guns. Is there way to research how often Remingtons, or Smiths, or whatever company's guns need fixing? Or how often the different guns, when purchased new, have to be returned to the factory due to defects?

If no such publication is available, someone should make one.