Rental loop hole (ATF)


New member
I was looking over the ATF sight....

Here's what they say:

"A person may loan or rent a firearm to a resident of any State for temporary use for lawful sporting purposes, if he does not know or have reasonable cause to believe the person is prohibited from receiving or possessing firearms under Federal law."

So, what is to stop me from say, renting a ruger p95 to someone in another state for 99 years for $350?

keep the flames to medium folks, I'm just thinking out of the box.


New member
Well you could try it, but if the ATF finds out, I'm sure they will haul your ass to jail. Won't be hard to convince a jury that he can't/didn't continuously hunt for 99 years nonstop.

The rule is basically to allow a person to borrow/rent a firearm from others during or just before a hunt. And to return it when the hunt is over.


New member
The only flaw in your plan is that it would be illegal for him to bring a rental back to his home state.


New member
Foob- If that's a direct quote "sporting purposes" does'nt necessarily mean hunting ,when it does I'll need a license to hunt paper targets shaped like people:D
Blume- ATF will get pissed 'cause you beat them and then send in the IRS for tax evasion if you don't report the "rental" income:D


New member
Why not just sell it??? Are we saying this because we want to circumvent the sending through a FFL???

Just curious. As an aside it is best not to pee in the BATFE's cornflakes if you know what I mean.


New member
Of course you folks are right...

that word temporary is the kicker. As for the just use the FFL thing... yes I do it all the time when needed...but really don't like it. I personally don't like giving our government more power in any form.

I am thinking about loning my brother a pistol. he has a number of hunting rifles but no hand gun and because he's in his making babies years has little disposable income for really practical things. (Read that as being in big trouble with the wife) Other wise, No reason why he could not buy one from me or someone else...but i think I will just lone him one to hold on to. It's against my nature to sell a gun anyway.


New member
Under current laws it's legal for you to buy any legal firearm and give that as a gift to anyone. As long as you knowingly don't know they are restricted from owning said firearm. What I don't know is, if it's ok to buy a firearm and then give it to someone in another state.

On the ATF site, in the general information area, in section 15, they talk about "straw purchases", which is where I got the above information. Unfortunately, I didn't run across anything about buying a gift for someone who resides in another state. I would like to assume it would be legal, but we all know what assume does.