Removing the LCI on my Ruger 22.


New member
I tried to replace the Loaded Chamber Indicator (LCI) today. That was fun.

I watched the video from TandemKross and it looked easy so I ordered the replacement from them. As per the video I bought a strong magnet to get out the retaining pin. Magnet is rated at 95 lbs. Try as I may that pesky pin would not budge. I must have watched 5 videos on YouTube on how to remove the pin. All said use the magnet. I ordered an Earth Magnet rated at 145 lbs.

I finally saw a video where the guy used a hammer to smack the side of the barrel and the pin worked it's way out. Try as I might with my rubber mallet I had no luck.

I used the handle of my mallet and struck the barrel a number of times very hard. I almost gave up because again the pin would not move. When the wrench don't fit get a bigger hammer. So I got a bigger hammer with a larger handle and tried again. After a number of heavy hits the pin finally started to walk out. I didn't think this simple fix would be so hard. I only mention this if someone else tries to replace the LCI and the magnet does not work for you.


New member
Is your Ruger one of those that uses a aluminum barrel shroud with the stainless steel liner that is tensioned with a nut on the muzzle end? Rimfire Central has many posts about that assembly putting some side pressure on the LCI pin making it difficult to remove as you experienced. On my MKIII 22/45 I had no problem removing that pin and putting the filler plate back in place but mine is just a Bull Barrel version, no shroud.


New member
I have done this to both of my 22/45s and my experience confirms Rem's statement. One is the bull barrel model and,in that one, the magnet approach worked just fine. The other is a Lite model and I had to hit the barrel multiple times with a rubber mallet. Even then, the pin only moved a little, but I was then able to grasp it with some needle-nosed pliers and pull it on out.