Removing scratch from lacquered stock?


New member
I recently was able to buy a wood stocked rifle with a satin lacquer finish at cost. It has a few rub marks/scratches in the stock. These are not deep. What is the best way to remove scratches from a lacquer stock. These scratches are fairly minimal, but they catch my eye. I want an easy process and one that will not let me turn a minimally scratched stock into junk buy trying to "fix it."


New member
I tried JASCO Furniture White Ring Remover. It is a cloth impregnated with oils and some type of mild non-scratching abrasive. It really did the trick.


New member
"...lacquered stock"?

Varnished maybe, but not likely lacquer.
If it was lacquer you could remove the scratches by just applying lacquer thinner to melt the finish again and then polish it back to uniform.

Varnish polymerizes and is not soluble after curing, even inthe original solvent.
The most you can do is smooth the surface to make the scratches less noticaable, or fill them with something. Even paste wax can fill minor scratches.


New member
If they are truly rub marks (not all the way down to wood) and not scratches (down to wood), I would use a mild automotive rubbing compund, followed by a coat of good (Carnuba) paste wax.


New member
I would suggest automotive "polishing" compound instead of "rubbing" compound. I have also used Turtle Wax #7 which has a small amount of abrasives in it. It will sometimes polish out light scratches.
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