Removing safety from a Tokarev


New member
I have seen Toks with the crummy preban sefeties removed for sale at Cruffler (actually, they said the safety was never installed, just the holes drilled). I took the safety off of mine and it feels much better. Other than the obvious possible legal ramification involved in an actual shooting, does anyone see a "functional" problem by doing this? It seems to work just fine. Anyone else remove their safeties?


New member
I once owned a war souvenier tokarev that did not have a safety on it. My understanding it was not designed with one. Carried condition3 untill you needed it and cleared back to condition 3 when you did'nt.

My only worry would be the liability issue if you used it. I do not know if it was modified from original specs to add the safety. if you can find a replacement safety put it on or find an original tok to play with otherwise.

Be safe.