Removing ammo from magazine


New member
I switch my HD gun periodactly, when doing so I remove the ammo from the mag, put it back in the boxx and then load a different gun (caliber) and then the process starts over again. Is there any harm doing what I am doing? By the way I do not keep a round chambered. Let me know the reasons for or against. Thanks in advance.

Bill DeShivs

New member
There is no reason to unload the magazines-it does not help the spring to do so. You will wear the rims of the cartridges, too.


New member
What about if using the same caliber let's say 45 acp going from a Ruger 345 to a Para 745 LDA? Take the ammo out of the Ruger mag and load the Para mag. I don't see how taking the ammo out of one mag and putting it in another causes any harm. I'm not worried about spring tension, just about reliability.


New member
You do scratch the brass some everytime you put it in the mag

and take it out... so, in theory it could cause a problem at some time.... I prefer to leave the ammo in the mag... and only remove it by pulling the trigger.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Are you periodically practicing with your carry ammo? If you are not, you are making a mistake. It would be best to shoot that ammo, then reload with fresh when you want to carry that gun again. If you want to do the bulk of your practice with cheap ammo, fine, but if you don't shoot the carry ammo, how do you know it will work when you need it?

FWIW, and I know I will run into flak, but I do not like the idea of carring different guns, unless they are identical or very similar. It would be a shame to die trying to pull the trigger on a cocked-and-locked 1911 because you thought you had the Glock.



New member
After about 6 maybe 7 months i use my HD ammo at the range and then buy some new ammo that my gun like.