remote Alaska


New member
well , a beach session ,
yeh! everyone else in America pay decient prices for reloading stuff,
I just bought powder from our local gun shop, we get fair prices on our shipping if alot of us order it in bulk, but dang
550 bucks for 8 lbs of powder and 1000 small and 1000 larger rifle primers is STEEP huh?
I order my bullets from natches , 20 lbs of bullets in a flat rate box is great, natches is top notch but man! powder and primers sure cost a bunch,
but atleast Im having fun reloading and still its alot cheaper doing this way than buying factory box of shells, gas is 7 bucks a gal, gal of milk is 11 bucks, my house runs off a boiler that runs off 7 buck a gal diesel, pack of smokes is 9 bucks,
and then top it off! the da m cold with a shortage of daylight sure dont help , shooting is delayed for warmer days, like 0 F with clouds.



New member
I did not know they rented flying U-hauls, I will have to check them out!

misskimo, I feel your pain, also live in an Alaskan village, great lifestyle with many advantages, but inexpensive goods are not one of them. Luckily, I can buy powder and primers in Fairbanks and bring them in by boat or snowmachine on the river. Brass and bullets I have shipped directly.


supply and demand....

gas is 7 bucks a gal, gal of milk is 11 bucks, my house runs off a boiler that runs off 7 buck a gal diesel, pack of smokes is 9 bucks,

Wait til inflation starts to kick in an' folks in the lower 48 are payin' those prices: what will they be out where you are at- the raggedy edge of civilization?


New member
well that would be very expensive to rent a uhaul oneway, have to by it ! then fly it in or wait for boat season,
rokloc lucky you!


Lost Sheep

New member
To put a point to it...

I don't think Sevens knows that there are no roads from Outside that go all the way to Kotzebue. (googelmap it. Kotz is a long way from Nome, and there ain't no roads to Nome, neither.)

The last time I was in Kotzebue, I visited the Kotzebue National Forest (Some Airman planted a tree on the Air Station there in the early '80s). It consisted of one tree, about an inch in diameter and 4 feet tall. I heard later than it died.

Rural living is extreme in Alaska, aint' it?

Lost Sheep. Anchorage.
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New member
Ouch, that's a tad on the pricey side... for everything.

Wow, just looked up where you are and you are definitely... what's the word I'm looking for... "isolated". That's my politically correct way of saying "a long way from anywhere/middle of nowhere"....

It sure is beautiful country up there, though, I had the opportunity to travel from Fairbanks to Anchorage on the train, through Denali National Park, and I would go back there in a heartbeat.

Merry Christmas!


New member
Indeed, I did not know that there aren't any roads to/from the place. My purpose was more along the lines of-- if everything is so darn difficult, so much so that it's worth penning a thread to complain about it... why stay there?

I mean, I could complain about the horrendous traffic I face, or the crime, or the lack of a view of nature and the fact that I simply NEVER see any bears around here, or any of 57 other things that someone living in remote Alaska doesn't have to worry about... But if those things were such a large problem for me, I could always sell my house and move to remote Alaska.

Ya know?

Component prices are tough all over. I used to get my primers for $9 a thousand and I think I was paying $11 for a single pound of powder. I'm thinking it's going to cost folks living in a remote spot on the earth more to get any items other than fish and elk dung. That only seems rational considering that an airplane is going to have to bring it to you.


I just bought powder from our local gun shop, we get fair prices on our shipping if alot of us order it in bulk, but dang
550 bucks for 8 lbs of powder and 1000 small and 1000 larger rifle primers is STEEP huh?

You got ripped, I could have it barged up to you for $150, would have cost you about $300.

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