RemOil and BP

Doc Hoy

New member
Gentleman asked me the question does RemOil react w/ BP and cause a tar like residue that is difficult to remove.

My response was that I have not experienced that but my shooting style may be permitting me to commit some sins which under other circumstances don't work out.

I don't shoot a lot and I don't shoot any single firearm a lot. I shoot about two thousand rounds a year and generally take along four or five different weapons. So I don't shoot one revolver or rifle for long periods and a lot of rounds (Max is something like sixty)

I clean pretty quickly and pretty thoroughly.

So given my shooting style I could probably lube with molasses and not get much of a build up.

But how about you guys who shoot for competition, shoot one revolver all day long, don't have a chance to stop to spruce things up?

Do you see any problems with the RemOil


New member
I use Remoil to libe after cleaning Doc , thats about it . but i have never had a problem with it reacting to BP . but then i dont use it for an actual patch lube. never tried it


New member
Remoil has a reputation for not reacting to bp combustion like the typical petroleum based oils/solvents. I don't really understand that given what I think I know about it's characteristics. So, based on reputation rather than chemistry, it's good stuff for bp shooters.

Personally, I've used it in the past without problems but only when I couldn't get to my own personal choice (Ballistol).


New member
Rem oil

But how about you guys who shoot for competition, shoot one revolver all day long, don't have a chance to stop to spruce things up?

Any oil is better than no oil!

At an all day shoot there are 3 things I must have. Ballistol, Simple Green and a roll of paper towel. Between matches I spray SG on a paper towel and wipe the soot off the gun. If the gun starts to get sticky or bind, a shot of Ballistol on key parts does the trick. This keeps me going all day.




New member
Mt experience is that RemOIl is fine for gun lubrication(percussion pistols, 44-40 rifle and shotgun all used with black powder) but should be kept away from the combustion areas and interior of the barrels. It's not as bad as some concoctions but does create some fouling. I'll clean and wipe down the interior of my guns with Ballistol and spray the exterior with RemOil.


New member
I'm the "gentleman" Doc referred to. Thanks for the advice. Like I told Doc, I'm particular about what I stick down the barrel of my rifles. All I use to clean them is boiling water followed by a wipedown and a swab of Ballistol as a protectant.

I'm running out of Ballistol, which I use on my rifles exclusively. I'm going shooting with some BP friends this weekend and I have some Rem Oil on hand in case I run out. I just wanted to check with guys who use it a lot with BP.

From what I've read here and other forums, it doesn't matter what you use as long as you swab your barrel with denatured alcohol before you shoot.


New member
Agreed, swabbing with a little alcohol, followed by a quick wipe with your preferred BP "bar griz", or "Moose slime" shouldn't be a problem.

As I hear the tale told there's "something" in natural petroleums that mixes with BP residue to tar up. But some denser petroleum products (like vaselene) don't have the problem because as the raw petroleum is progressively fractioned the offending ingredient is simply removed by the fractioning process at a point before this proiduct is skimmed.

Supposedly synthetic oils dont even have the offending component in the first place, which is why things like Mobil 1 are so popular.


New member
I hate Rem. oil

I'd rather have a sister in a whore house than use Rem. oil .... ;)
Gave up on it one cold winter day, during 2nd. shotgun season. Turned my 1100 sluggun into a single shot as the action froze up. On inspection the Rem oil was gummy. Later it loosened up a bit but took time to clean and replace it. I have never looked back. In my M/L bores, I too use Denatured alcohol to clean before loading. For cleaning, between groups and at the end of the day, I use Ballitol. All my patches are lubed with BB. For storage till next time, I coat everythng with StrongArm. ..... :)

Sure hope my Sister doesn't read this ..... :eek:

Be Safe !!!


New member
In the innards

I like to use TW25B grease in the innards of my C&B revolvers. I lasts forever. I have also used it successfully on the cylinder spindle but am not finished experimenting with it there.


New member
Pahoo and Doc are on a roll! LOL!!! :D

It's simply a fact that over prolonged storage or in cold weather, petroleum products don't perform very well. As stated it gets gummy when cold and also the same after it's been on a firearm for an extended period. (Notice I didn't say "gun" per Doc and Hawg) :D

In reality we are creatures of habbit and use what we always have used until we find something better. I found out about Ballistol years ago and it's performed extremely well for me in all weather conditions and also for long-term storage. I don't like having 15 different cans of stuff hanging around. I prefer 1 can that does what I need.


Without checking the net. I don't think Rem Oil was designed with B/P weapons in mind. As I recall it's primary use was intended for the Rem 740 or 742 action. But if someone finds a new application for it? Why not give it a try. After all I believe Plato once quipped__ " Necessity is the Mother of Invention"


New member
I use it on internal parts but not in bores or chambers. I don't clean a bore with alcohol before loading. I just dump some loose powder in and set it off. That burns anything coating the bore out, so I don't want any petro stuff in there unless Mykeal says its ok.:D


New member

I'd rather have a sister in a whore house than use Rem. oil ....

LMAO , you know i feel the same way about wonder lube/ bore butter / TC 1000 LOL


New member
I soak everything in RemOil. :D I don't use it for lube, but everything is soaked down after cleaning or after carrying, inside and out. Everything in the safe is dripping with it. And I don't clean very much of it off before shooting. It doesn't get that cold here, but RemOil works great against the humidity we got.

Doc Hoy

New member
I think...

...The "creature of habit" comment is a good characterization.

I use it because it works okay and I never tried anything else.

In retrospect, I use it mostly as a surface preservative and internal lube.

But I am interested in learning more about the TW25B from Roshi.


New member
At first I thought he meant 'hobbit', which is an excellent pun and describes us to a 'T'. Alas, I suspect I'm alone in that interpretation.

And quoting Plato's Republic completely dashes any hope I was correct.