Remmy, Winny?


New member
Does it bother anyone else to see Remington and Winchester referred to in this manner? For some reason it just rubs me the wrong way, I don’t know.

It makes me feel funny when I read it, you know what I mean;). Not a big deal just one of those little pet peeves that I seem to have so many of.

Why don’t you guys that use this also use something like Rug, or Weath, or Browny? If you have to shorten them why not use the industry standard Rem and Win, why do you make it all cutsie?

Just wondering as I have never before joining here heard Remington referred to as Remmy or Winchester referred to as Winny, just something about the way it sounds, “I took my 7mm Remmy to the range the other day" am I alone in this little pet peeve or are there others that share my feeling on this?

Not poking fun at the Remmy and Winny guys just wondering.



New member
What, no Remmy shottys?

Or should that be Remmie shotties?

I just think that Winnie Remmie shottie stuff is oh so cute. :barf:



New member
Well bottom line is this is the internet - people use terminology that they want. So what? I don't use much of the slang but don't get all wadded up when others do...


New member
Well bottom line is this is the internet - people use terminology that they want. So what? I don't use much of the slang but don't get all wadded up when others do...

I stated that I wasnt poking fun, or getting bent out of shape over it. I just wondered if there were others who thought like I do. Like I stated earlier I have never heard of it till I signed up here. Yes this is my first forum so if it is an internet thing I would have never been exposed to it at an earlier time.

My post was even fairly light hearted. I wasnt trying to offend but it looks like I got a little under your skin for saying something about it as you have made three of the posts yourself.



New member
I don't usually use the quip for any brand. I usually call it a REM or WIN but personally don't get...check my posts, into the Remmy etc names. Maybe once, to keep from being pounced on, but it is what it is. I take no offense either way. I just usually use Rem, Win, Browning etc. Just me. I personally don't care what you call it. It does not get under my skin. Your call. I have mine.


New member
Sorry if it offends some people but I sometimes use those descriptions to save time. I don't have any formal typing training and I'm not the fastest. I take shortcuts.

I can understand how you feel though... My spelling is pretty good (as long as my fingers hold up) and poor spelling can irritate me. I just try to realize that we all have different skills.


New member
no harm no foul my friend...I'm just goofing around. When was the last time you got to use a Dr. Suess referrence in conversation?

Me too......

it looks like I got a little under your skin for saying something about it as you have made three of the posts yourself.

Not at all sir. I made 3 of the posts mailnly because I was bored at work, for a welcomed change. I have admired your knowlegable comments on this forum for a while now. I was just pointing out that most people that visit forums frequent quite a few of them. I visit 4 or 5 regularly, and this is the most tightly run one I've ever visited, and that's not a bad thing, in fact rather refreshing. No offense intended to you, J., either. As LucifersPants stated, just goofing around. And Dr. Suess is my hero....:D


New member
It never offends me I just strikes me funny when I read it. I think it is a little too cutsie for firearms conversation, lol.

I dont care if anyone uses it I just wondered if it was simply me or if there were others who looked at it like I do, that is not always the case as I tend to be a little different. Call them what you will, Remmy, Winny, doesnt matter to me.

Not at all sir. I made 3 of the posts mailnly because I was bored at work, for a welcomed change. I have admired your knowlegable comments on this forum for a while now.

Thank you for the kind words. I like the manner in which this forum is conducted; it is what drew me to register here, that and the fact that there are more knowledgeable people here than myself that I can turn to for advice.

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New member
How 'bout "Rugie"...?

"Bushy" for Bushmaster is my least favorite.
"Dissy" for the Dissipator is only slightly less irritation to my ears.

Equally and easily one of the most annoying 'nicknames' I hear is: "Deagle".

Hearing these dastardly renderings of the correct pronunciations roll off the lips of some people's children makes me want to ask:

"Hey, what's your name so I can botch it all to hell and gone?" :D


New member
Smithie Wessie... Coltie... Llami? Rossi.. oh that was stupid...

Most of the time I refer to my rifles as Rem 700's and I don't own a Winchester. But once in awhile, as I mentioned above, a Remy slips out. Wait... What should I call my Chevy now?

Siggy.. Mossy, Ithica-e... When will it stop?


New member

I have heard these terms for years. Way before the internet.

IMO you hear it more with Remington and Winchester because these two company names have become a term that is used to name lots of items, besides firearms. Such as ammo, accessories, clothing and such. So the name is considered a trade name, more than a manufacturer. The name Winchester is now a trade name only. They no longer make anything. You could actually make an argument that it is a term of endearment.

And I have heard the word Browny used for Browning. And Horsey for Colt.................Tom.