remmy SPS tactical in .308 or .223?


New member
im looking at one of these mostly for 100 yard bench shooting at paper. i already have a .308 winchester 70 but i just want a tactical tack driver in this rig. i was all set to go with the .308 untill i looked at the .308 prices just now on the toilet and it made me think that maybee i should go with the .223, i dont reload. any reccomendations/suggestions?


New member
Well,both ammo type's are expensive anyway,if you don't have a problem
with it you could shoot surplus to plink with and use premium stuff at the range.Just don't use corrosive stuff in such a fine rifle.EVER!:mad:

As for caliber choice,we all know the 308 give's better results but you already have that Win 70 and you said you would probably limit yourself to 100
yards so mayby you should go with a 223 since it is a bit cheaper in bulk...But then again,all the "Cool" kids have 308 700's:D


New member
This cool kid's 700 SVS Varmint is a .223 :D

If you're shootin' paper and maybe varmints down the road, .223, I'm voting. Quieter and softer will make you a better shooter, too.

The .223 price advantage isn't a hefty margin if you compare apples to apples ammo by mfg and type, like match load to match load in these calibers, but it's there. You will get a little more shooting on the same dollar. Another plus in the .223 column.

While I have the Varmint model, I like your choice of the Tactical. I think it has the 1:9 twist rather than the 1:12 mine has, so it will do well with a heavier bullet. I've been shooting Black Hills 52 grain match in mine and could go lighter, but I think yours will like that weight on up to 68 grain. I've been shooting those same rounds in an AR with a 1:9 twist and it likes that weight also. For that matter, I've had good luck and good groups with Remington UMC, 55 grain mc, (fmj) @9.99/20 rnd. I haven't tried any of the hot little 36 or 40 grain loads but that's on the agenda - just to see.


New member
I had the same arguement with myself before i bought my Savage (go figure huh). I think the .223 is a great round, and I have shot both. The ammo for .223 is cheaper so you'll get more shooting time in as someone else said. Also, at 100 yards the .223 and the .308 will be affected by wind basically the same. I really don't think the .308 has SIGNIFICANT advantage until you get towards 400-500 yards. I know I regularly shoot my .223 at 200+ yards and the wind doesn't play too much.

-.223 is cheaper (more practice for the same money as .308)
-recoil is lighter
-at 100 yards as you stated the .223 is a fantastic round

BIG +1 for the .223


New member
You can get one chambered in .220 Russian or a blown-out 6mm based on the .220 Russian for not a lot more $$, and it'll be more accurate...


New member
+1 for .223, especially for bench rest at 100 yards.

Accurate, cheap and similar wind effects as the .308 at that distance.